Looks at quantity of song on HD.... 12 Beatles albums to 2 Stones albums...The Beatles it is....
Nintendo said, if they ever QUIT the console business, is the day they quit the video game business, ie no zelda, mario or other AAA titles on other systems....
technically that would be 3 words, "a" doesn't constitute a word.....
I'm replacing it just because of the beef'd up specs, 1GB system ram and 4GB internal..i was tired of running out of space for apps on the original Evo
just in 2 hrs ago
that's why i have the HTC Evo, it's my phone, hotspot for my tablet and DS, and i really don't pay that much to do what i need to do. Plus being in a Great 4G area, speed have been really good here in D/FW.
more like their "meh" game....
Just use the Wii Classic Controller []
That's a man, Man!
Has anyone been to American Eagle lately, they're still selling long sleeve hoodies and thicker short sleeve shirts..... i guess the sweaty look is now in???
oh, just all the tornadoes and hail got through the Dallas/Ft Worth area...other than that...
Okay, so we're going to let people who aren't going to heaven, take care of our pets? Am I missing something here?
Wait until they hear some of the stuff Wheatly says towards the end of the game....
If you don't mind playing off line....
Russian don't use AC....they use Russian power outlet sockets use a two-pin "Northern European" standard. Don't ask me why i know this, LOL
Are kid's in today society that f'n dumb or are today's parents not teaching their kid not to take "anything" from strangers. That was one of my first lessons from my parents. I do feel bad what happened to him, more pissed of at the parents for not be "PARENTS"....
I betcha he had alot of AA batteries with him for that many days in space, because i'm sure they didn't have the socket to plug in the rechargeable device....
And the next thing that Paul McCartney was replaced by imposter too....gimme a f'n break Ass.alitore!