Highlander-Datsuns are Forever

When my children turned 12. They were to big so I was no longer needed as a chaperon and couldn’t score any side candy for the gig. I even dressed up the dog as a shark. Fond memories.

This is a solid Oppositelock post. 

10/10 no titty. Would post boob sweeter but at work so probably not a good idea. 


Remember “rake the forests” I remember rake the forests.

So uuuhhh yeah I “harvested” a buck last week on HWY 93 north of Kalispell MT. It really didn’t look that bad but we only got 27 lbs of meat off of it. Still better than nothing. 

I have yet to see anything with Benedict Cucumberbatch that I did’t like.

Clear language snafus really bother me like the different usages of there and to. However, I don’t call people out on it because frankly it’s good that they are writing something to begin with and over time writing improves if you try! We all have to start somewhere and if someone is insulted at the start they will

What’s so special about this? Everybody knows when your truck is in questionable operational condition you take your horse with you so you have a way to get home if you break down.

Lorpen makes some of the best ski socks out there and they are a great value.

Lorpen makes some of the best ski socks out there and they are a great value.

Without Henry Weinhard’s root beer this is pretty much a bogus test. Henry’s is the best hands down root beer in the world, possibly the solar system and the Milky Way galaxy. 

“Look mommy it’s a White Breasted North American Wood Pecker!”

Mole  sauce.

No La Croix? Am disappoint.

They really bring it on themselves and encourage this behavior with all these crazy ass concoctions they come out with. I only hit starbucks when traveling and I am a simpleton who usually just gets a medium cup of coffee for $2,50. 

This is good beta, I’ve always been a fan of the Chalupa. I really think the next experiment should be a comparison between Taco John’s Potato Ole and Taco Time’s Mexi Fries. Who does the tater tot better?

The best trout I’ve ever had I caught in Glacier National Park on a fly rod. 

Hefeweizens and Ciders are my go to now. It’s not that I hate hops it’s that a hoppy beer overwhelms me after half a glass. A Hef or cider on the dry (not sweet) side actually tastes good! What a concept!

We the people of Kinja have improved upon this.

Wow, that’s some next level creeper. I’ve seen something similar in a professional office and thank god someone said something and the creep got fired. He was nearly 60 years old so I can only imagine he was creeping on the job for nearly 35 years...