Highlander-Datsuns are Forever

No one in their right mind puts a key on an e-bike. Just don’t. At this point you can buy a used specialized e-bike which is 10x better for around 3-4k. 

So a software person is now a climate change expert? I enjoy seeing the spiraling decline of this website. 

I’ve sent nicer Z’s to the junk yard after removing any remaining usable parts. Crack Pipe. 

Subaru has entered the chat. I had an outback that was burning 1 qt/1,000 miles. Subaru installed a new short block for free. The piston rings wear out and bam you are burning oil like a 2-stroke. 

Coutts is at the end of interstate 15, it’s kind of a big deal to close that border crossing. That crossing is getting most of the border traffic within an 800 mile radius.

Take the ugly body cladding off and it would get much better fuel economy.

This is pretty cool. Litespeed was legit top of the line back then. I also like to buy trashed bikes and fix them up, I usually just sell them to friends or on craigslist. I found a late 1990's Stump Jumper for $100 and had it running really well for about $75 in parts, also had a Marazochi bomber fork, that actually

The guys with the racoon hats were great. 


you know back in the days of way back I could but kinja took away my ability to post nudes

Came here for a chart, left disappointed. 0/10 do not recommend.

In the same subject matter shouldn’t side by sides and quads also be illegal to drive on public roadways? We call them Texas golf carts around here.

Maybe that should be my new side hustle. 

Nissan L series which launched Nissan into the american market.

*Breaking News*

But does an M1 Abrams make a good first tank?

There are two Mercedes dealers in the state of montana and I know the one in Missoula sucks. Most people on the western side of the state that want a “Foreign” car shop in Spokane or the Seattle area. Those dealers are used to dealing with people from montana and also don’t charge the sales tax.

Ho-shit dude that thing is NICE!!!! Congrats.

I’ve played the back up game too, was going for a Christmas tree up a forest service road, went from plowed to two track in 3' of snow. I realized I couldn’t turn around without getting stuck. Drove in reverse for at least 1/2 mile. Not fun.