Highlander-Datsuns are Forever

Oh my god, Tim Fox is a Douche. Leave it to Montanan’s to vote against their best interests. Zinke, Gianforte, Roscoe as examples...

I was expecting another bad dealer story and came out pleasantly surprised.

$7,000-$8,000 seems about right to me but it’s a turbo manual wagon so.....

Late to the party, but I thought most restaurants in airports are run by the concessions staff, the chain has little to do with hiring AFAK, correct me if I’m wrong. That being said SJC is lacking in good fast food.

Someone filmed that, surrounded by snakes. nopegirl.gif

I’ve heard of some weird and bizarre shit in my day but cereal with water takes the cake.

 The new 2.4L engine will provide 172 tantalizing horse powers.

I took on a 7% APR Bank of America loan to pay off the balance for my first new car purchase. If that’s not desperate I don’t know what is.

But his hair didn’t fall out.

I don’t think anyone these days acknowledges Uber or Lyft as “ride share” service. Lets not kid ourselves, they are just an app that allows for private taxi service. 

WTF is that to, sounds disgusting. I’d never want a chop with a 1" strip of pig skin along the edge. 

I found several years of back issues of road and track at my high school around 1991 or so. Those were the glory years!

It’s really hard to not make fun about this terrible article headline. Like did the author actually read the headline out loud?

I am rather fond of these on the Ram. Lets not kid ourselves here okay?

A BLT hath no cheese, But I made one last weekend with cheese and it was freaking fantastic.

So.... they used the wrong kind of apple?

When passing cars and trucks on 2-lane roads I almost always hit the 92 mph speed limiter in the ford power stroke. It’s frightening how quickly it gets there, if it if didn’t have a limited I’d probably back off around 100.

I’ve only sent two dishes back, a raw burger, ie red, not pink in the middle, and a shrimp dish where the shrimp were the taste and texture of slightly burnt tofu. My food has to be really terrible to send back. I’ll simply not go back to a restaurant that serves bad food.

Well, that is what is actually says so you are not wrong!

Our dog is has a very sensitive stomach, I hate it when people give him snacks without asking first.