Highlander-Datsuns are Forever

All of my subaru’s have had a rear LSD, this is all prior to traction control. I can say that they provided amazing traction on slippery roads.

We need a pee anxiety sub blog. I think it’s 85% psychological for me, 15% bashing my prostate on a bike seat for 20 years. I can go skiing or for a bike ride (doing something I like that takes my mind off things) and have no problems holding it for 3-4 hours without any discomfort. Get me on a plane and I’m headed

If you figure out how to get over your pee anxiety, I’d like to know. I have to fly about once a month and I’m like squeezing the last drop out when they start boarding 1st class. Even tho I know I’ll be fine for 2-3 hours without a toilet...

You need to bump the amigo up to #2. Jeez have some respect for Joe Isuzu.

Probably because you stiffer her the tip.

I did a second take on that as well, caustic soda is a popular commercial detergent but it is basic and a diluted sodium hydroxide, not an acid.

Breading and frying I find very difficult to do consistently. This looks great and I’ll give it a try.

I have a 2013 outback and it’s on it’s second engine. Subaru paid for it, thank goodness.

In real life I’m not driving a RAV4 or Forester any place that would get a wheel in the air, these are nice cars worth around $20-30k I don’t want to break my wife’s car after all. I would reserve the real off roading for a side by side, Wrangler or my old ass Isuzu.

But the Toyota has 200 hp, and a real transmission.

The transmission is very good, it’s the engine that is the weak point.

Correct, I bought one for our family car. My wife drives it and takes the kids to school. 

Thanos killed him, so no worries about having to listen to his preachy shit.

Only if it produces a long search for such engine by King Patrick George and the Writers of the Break Room Table.

What about the 928 in the back ground? Can I get a two for the price of one deal?

*hot cake

Swank and Swine in Portland Oregon, I’ve eaten this exact breakfast four times now and have no plan on changing my menu selections.

It’s like shooting fish in a barrel.

I am a french toast connoisseur and this article is made up of LIES.

I know that SEATAC has a separate wastewater treatment plant that catches and treats all runoff from the runways and aprons, you can see the ponds on approach on the north end of the airport. De-icer is not a desirable material to put into a water way I would imagine because of it’s chemical additives.