Highlander-Datsuns are Forever

She can barely contain those headlights.

That ship did the Kessel Run in 12 Parsecs.

If I want to watch realistic space wars I like the SyFy series The Expanse.

I’m a bit disappointed with Snoke’s origin story too. I want to know where the villains come from. My theory if Disney will listen to me is that Snoke is a regenerated Hego Damask/Darth Plagueis, that Palpative was keeping in an aquarium somewhere to bring back to like in case of his own death.

2013 Outback, Blizzak WS80's, one cup of coffee on the hood. Unstoppable.

For Fantisy and SiFi I’d give it a 7/10. I’ve read worse and I’ve read much better. My biggest issue with the book is the whole Disney Land ending. Things went too well for Wade and like you mentioned completing the challenges became a bit repetitive. I found the portions of the story that took place in the real world

This is a great story.

Yeah Snow! Yeah high centered in snow! Yeah, late for work! And yes a FWD car will go sideways on icy and snowy roads.

You are making me miss my Trader Joes. Dark chocolate oranges are the bomb. I love those things.

That guys is a hair away from being burned up himself.

Friends don’t let friends drive 2+2's.

No shit what an asshole and unsafe thing to do.

I’ve walked into Trader Joe’s on a Hawaiian shirt Friday and people were asking me where the Mochi balls were.

It’s how we identify each other in a crowd. Oh look an engineer, he’s alone, I’m alone too.

I have 4 pairs of kakies and 8 polo shirts in my closet right now, because you can wear pants more days than shirts.

Mama Mia!

I did it.

Oh look that jeep has rear flashing headlights.

This is why front wheel drive cars are superior to RWD cars.

Jesus fucking tap dancing christ. (JFTDC)