Highlander-Datsuns are Forever

I met the guy who is in charge of the mobile google maps app, he said they take this stuff seriously and like user feedback.

I got motion sickness in that model car, puked in the map pocket. CP.

I have U2 boy and Joshua tree from that era, still work fine.

I have U2 boy and Joshua tree from that era, still work fine.

I think her tag is showing, not that I’m closely inspecting or anything...

I just did a quick google for images, they are numerous and very good.

Exactly. I know my friend who drives an older Model S said that after about 65-70 mph the range goes to crap. You have to just slow down.

Would you rather: TrailHawk or TrackHawk?

Those of you voting NP obviously were not alive during the 80's and have no idea how awful K cars were.

More importantly I hate it when the toilet sensor makes it flush while installing the ass gasket, then pulling the ass gasket out of my fingers and requiring the installation of a new ass gasket.


If he keeps eating like that he’s gonna get fat.

This theme seems to have made a resurgence.

Agreed 100%.

Juicy Lucy or GTFO.

Why the fuck do they keep doing this to the US market cars, I want the extra foot of boot space. I got a big ass dog and groceries to carry around. Just like the Subaru Impreza, the hatch back version is actually shorter overall than the sedan version.

Good god, I’m surprised her car has not been vandalized more often.

I’m 6'4" and have a 36" inseam. I fit but I cannot even slide a credit card between my knees and the seat in front of me. I also remove the literature from the seat back pocket.

I got to go into the cockpit of a 727 too, while it was flying! I think I was 8 so around 1982/1983. My dad and I sat in the smoking section so he could burn through 10 camel’s during the flight from MSO - DEN -SJC.

Her response was “I would be delighted to illuminate the situation for you but I’ve been left in the dark concerning the details.”

Broyota Nofunner.