Highlander-Datsuns are Forever

Dude I grew up in Montana, I never even saw a black person until I was 8 years.

That play list would make any road trip awesome.

On point.

This reminds me that Delorean should have used pop up headlights.

SEATAC, SFO, and Portland come to mind.

This was by far the best part of the race. It was so slow motion it was almost comical. And yes Steff Barbie keeps would be much more fun.

I mean you can go north to SF or south to Watsonville but 17 is the shortest route out of Santa Cruz.

He spent too much time waving to the girls on the beach.

When else does one read Jalop?

That first section going east by loone lake is no joke. I rode my bike up there one day and watched a bunch of Jeep bros look like fools. Then a 30 year old FJ putted up the rock like nothing.

I have been traveling for business for about 20 years now and have never rented from hertz.


Worst I’ve ever seen is some moldy cheerios under the seat cushion. I feel so inadequate right now.

Yeah, umm gonna be trading in that mini van.

I was 6 months away from buying my moms 2.5 RS for a project race car and she shunted it trough a ditch and a fence totaling it! I loved that car.

How much is that these days like a pound or two?

There are like 100,000 PE’s in California alone. 75,000 of them work for Caltrans.

The board was 100% right here.

I always love seeing the county code plates on $500,000 cars from counties that have a population of 2,000. So next time you see a 28 plate in Florida, walk up and say hey how is Deer Lodge?

Queso to the max.