James Watches

It all means that Smollet is a racist piece of shit and nobody at Root will call him that. It has to be dropped, because hes probably a future presidential hopeful at The Root. As was mentioned on Root, Smollet was so brave to fake this hate crime. Brave. Brave ..

His race has nothing to do with anything. If he was poor and unknown, he would be in jail, and YOU KNOW THAT. 

Dara leaving out details to make the case for Jussie appear better? You don’t say


The brothers said they did it. Are you trying to claim that they are lying about being guilty?? Really???

Weeell... this shit never made sense and looks here like it’s going to continue not making any sense so I’ll just go ahead now and assume that no information will ever be released which will make it make sense.

I thought the two brothers said they did it?

Let any other ‘black as sin’ nicca pull some crap like that and they would be in jail. You moron.

Welp. Maybe more explosive information will be revealed in the days to come. But for now, the data released thus far sure doesn’t look like the fire revelations some may have been hoping for.

I wish that I had Jussie’s girl. Where can I find a prosecutor like that?

It’s important becuase the Chicago DA’s office is recommending stiffer penalties for people who are accused of the exact same crime.  That is making a false police report where nobody was hurt.  

Its absolutely a thing at the Root. The Root drops absolutely nothing, unless of course it is Smollet. The amount of shit blogs published in support of him and hating white people before it broke that he is just a piece of shit is crazy. Some fucktard was on here calling him brave for what he did ... brave!

Seriously? Hosting a press conference to declare you’re innocent, after you were giving a once in a life time deal, that in NO WAY exonerated you? You don’t think that disqualifies  someone from trying to claim “privacy”?  Sorry. No. If he just disappeared, fine. But he went on national tv to rub it in their faces. 

Sunshine is the best disinfectant. 

Seems like a black man can’t get a break in America these days... hold it...Smollet Victimized himself?  ROTFLMAO!!  

I wanted to smack him when he poured forth all the faux outrage. He sounded exactly like a script from Empire.

If he was exonerated they could not legally keep the bail. They would HAVE to give it back. By them keeping the money and accepting his community service that is actually a tacit admission of guilt. Even though he trotted right up to the microphone afterwards and still refused to admit he was full of crap.

civil suit against the PD? for what? defamation? they weren’t lying. (and they’re immune as a dept.) at worst, the PD’s comments could lead to a judge to throw out the case or move venue

What part of this makes you think “all parties decided that it was cheaper/easier to cut and run”

Except the chief of police and the mayor were blindsided by the states attorney’s decision here, so they don’t seem to be working in concert.