James Dodd

Nope. I prefaced what I said by saying that it was bullshit to send her home. I was just pointing out the nonsense of that quote.

Yes. CEOs typically do have company shares. That’s standard and makes sense from a business perspective. It’s a form of compensation that is at least in theory directly tied to performance. That’s one of the reasons given by companies who provide employee stock options for giving them. The CEOs primary job, and actual

Kind of sucks to not participate in a charity endeavour because of the strike. I get that it’s still on TV and that the production company still makes money from it, but it still looks bad to not participate in something that is for charity. 

Nice to see you think acknowledging reality is “licking corpo boots.” You could have tried to refute my points, but clearly you can’t. 

Not really, most of it is nonsense that just ignores reality. The only salient point is that major studio costs have come from buying IPs. Everything else is either speculation or blatant misunderstanding of how business works.

The fact that the major streamers are losing money on their streaming business (with the exception recently of Netflix), is based on their filings. You can say that you think that they are manipulating their filings to make it look like they are losing money when they aren’t but that doesn’t any sense. If anything

That might make sense if we were talking about a business that was making money, but most large streaming players take a loss on what they produce already. For them it makes more sense financially to allow the strike to continue than to produce more content. If this were in any other context, say a steel plant, the

This isn’t surprising or unreasonable on the part of Amazon. The strikes are a valid reason for them to rethink their production pipeline. You have to keep in mind that for Amazon these shows are products first and foremost. If there are delays to getting a product to market it’s perfectly valid for them to adjust

This is just terrible. If you want guns, fine, but at least store them properly. Especially if you have kids or are caring for kids. Is it too much to ask that there be some reasonable  laws related to common sense gun safety? Unless the kid got the gun somewhere else, and if that’s the case that just point to some

Most of these movies are fine actually. It seems that the author of this piece just doesn’t understand satire. The Rush Hour films were satirizing stereotypes. Tropic Thunder was satirizing narcissistic actors.

Nope. Nothing JK Rowling has said has anything to do with this. Some people are just crazy or shitty people and they will find any excuse to hurt other people. There isn’t any evidence to support the idea that someone stating an opinion (a fairly reasonable one at that), contributes to violence. There’s a difference

It’s a little weird to complain that a show didn’t write a scenario exactly the way you want them to. The plot line sounds like a perfectly serviceable one. 

Let’s be honest. The success of the movie has almost nothing to do with the fact that it is female helmed. It’s also not because it’s a movie about toys in general.

Maybe don’t work for a Catholic school if you’re not going to be a good little Catholic.

Saying it was a racist project is just dumb. So far as everyone involved in the movie was concerned this was a legitimate true story. If making a movie about something that actually happened is racist just because of the races of the people involved than I think we probably need to rethink what racism actually is. I’m

There’s nothing that prevents him from running even if convicted, so I wouldn’t count on that. He’s running pretty much no matter what at this point. The only thing standing in his way was another candidate and that doesn’t look like it’s happening. 

That would be an amazing ticket. The Trump/Greene ticket might just be peak American insanity if it happens. This election will be highly amusing. Trump will be in prison or under house arrest and he’ll still beat Biden. I don’t want Trump to win, but I think if Biden is the Democrat ticket against Trump there’s a

I don’t get why the author is trying to call into doubt whether or not Sandra Bullock knew about this situation. How would she know? She was given a script, and probably met the woman she pretended to be a few times in controlled situations where that woman would have been pretending to be great.

This is going to be hilarious. Trump is going to end up completely breaking the system. He’ll get convicted, go to jail, still win the nomination and campaign from jail and probably still beat Biden. Then he’ll serve out his sentence on house arrest in the white house.