James Dodd

Pretty sure it’s a CS-80. 

It’s not incels, it’s the general public. I just don’t think women in general are that interested in watching female led superhero movies. I do think they will go out to see a movie with muscular men though and there’s nothing wrong with that.

That kind of ignores the fact that there have been multiple offers to provide an independent Palestinian state that they have turned down. It also kind of ignores the fact that the Israeli war of independence was a direct response to attacks on the Jewish minority that existed in Palestine by Palestinians supported by

Sorry but no. Normal people don’t air their dirty laundry in very public ways. That’s toxic behaviour especially when you have kids. There’s a difference between confiding to a friend or going to therapy and publicly making your partner look bad, embarrassing them or damaging their reputation. And it’s really strange

The refusing to take pictures while standing thing isn’t petty. That’s just smart politics. It’s not his fault that shorter men are assigned lower social status by default. Being aware of that and compensating for it doesn’t make him petty. Other shit does, but that’s a terrible example since he’s compensating for

Though I agree in principle with the idea of putting additional online protections in place for children, especially as it relates to sexual exploitation, this really is a slippery slope in terms of limitations on freedom of speech.

The definition of niche is a specialized segment of a market. So it’s an appropriate use of the word. It’s not my fault you don’t know what it means. 

Yup. It doesn’t say anything about me though. It says something about general appeal of movies that focus on characters from niche social groups. That is the point. Movies that focus on gay characters or plots tend to not do well with general audiences unless they have some other element of general appeal. 

I have not heard of her. But a quick look at her bio shows that she’s been dead for almost a decade, never broke into politics, and wasn’t even liked among conservatives in general. That’s the equivalent of saying that the Democrats widely support killing people off because Paul Ehrlich said capitalism is bad a few

Well based on how badly Bros bombed I can’t see this doing very well. This film is even more niche than Bros was. Both gross out and absurdist humour are incredibly hard to make work and focusing it on a gay incest plot would make it even harder.

That’s an interesting conspiracy theory. I highly doubt the motivation for limiting birth control has to do with limiting women’s ability to work outside the home. That’s some flat earther level stuff there. 

This has been common practice for several medications for a long time. Most doctors in Canada require proof of birth control to prescribe Accutane because of the risk of birth defects. They will usually insist on it even if you aren’t sexually active so long as you could theoretically get pregnant, even with abortion

There is zero proof of what you are saying. No study has ever shown that gender affirmation care is the only effective way to treat gender dysphoria. And it stands to reason based on mountains of evidence from treatment of other body dysmorphic issues that other forms of therapy could be useful.

That’s complete nonsense. It’s not sabotage to explore the reasons someone wants gender therapy in a therapeutic setting. Research indicates that trans youth have an incredibly high occurrence of mental health issues that are unrelated to being trans, at least on paper, and pretending that those can be ignored is

It seems strange that there is no set mechanism for replacing a speaker from what I can tell. It seems to just be whenever the majority party decides to hold a vote on it. 

No you have that backwards. It’s grossly unethical to have no guardrails for these procedures and medications. There’s an argument to be made as to whether or not these stipulations are unduly onerous, but realistically they don’t sound like they are provided that the therapy is provided at no charge.

I’m not Russian. I’m Canadian. It’s sad that the best argument you can come up with is to call me a Russian troll. But yes, heaven forbid they let a nuanced critique out of the greys. Wouldn’t want to allow any critical thought here, it would disrupt your echo chamber. I never said that abortion was wrong. I simply

You’re either completely ignorant of the arguments made by pro choice people or are just playing dumb. Calling fetuses parasites is a very common argument.

I’m sure that some people don’t know what certain things mean and that creates confusion, but I don’t think it’s true for all of the people they surveyed. I think for a lot of them they simply disagree with the definitions being used, not because they don’t understand them, but because they think the definitions are

I doubt Trump knew of any connection between the store and the shooting. That would require him actually paying attention to things and making an effort, which is unlike him. It’s far more likely he went because they were selling a gun with his face on it.