James Dodd

I listened to the song. It’s not amazing, but it’s not terrible. He has a good voice and the guitar playing was decent. The lyrics aren’t great, but this guy was unknown up until two seconds ago, he’s not a professional musician, so I can cut him some slack on that.

It’s permanent marker. That won’t wash off for days. So it’s pretty threatening. 

Yeah. They should go even further. Why not a The Help Cinematic Universe. 

Anyone who owns that many guns is compensating for something. 

I’d say that springing a vote on cancelling the program without any review or consultation and insisting it must be done immediately is a bad faith action. It just is one at face value.

I never said it was the reason it was being cancelled. I even sai the opposite if you knew how to read.

I guess you missed where I said that what he did was completely disingenuous. It’s funny how the drones one this site have major reading comprehension issues the second they see something they don’t like and fail to notice any nuance.

They no longer use the original tissue. They have isolated cells from the tissue and replicated them thousands of times by this point. Researchers are using copies of copies of copies. They will still work because the isolated cells still share the unique properties of the cells from the original tissue, but they are

Also I would think that most people would be proud of a family member having such a unique positive impact on society. Henrietta Lacks has indirectly saved probably millions of lives. It kind of cheapens it to have her family chasing a pay day after the fact. 

From a medical perspective what she’s saying is pretty stupid actually. Waiting to have children till you’re beyond your 30s vastly increases the risk of complications to both the mother and the child. There is in fact a biological clock ticking and pretending there isn’t one will lead to a lot of heartbreak for some

I guess you’re trying to prove that the term Karen is meaningless. If that was your goal, congratulations. 

This was a biopsy taken for tests related to her cancer that was found to have some unique properties. The sample was not taken under false pretenses. It was taken for testing specific to her ailment. Under normal circumstances it would simply become medical waste after the tests were completed, but they were kept due

Sure. So offer a single course in gender studies or roll it into components of other degree programs (like they suggested) and scrap the degree program since they are graduating a fraction of a percent of their students from that degree program.

It’s frankly amazing they would offer the program at all if it only has yearly grad rate of 2-8 students and only gets about 40 students in the first year course. The financial viability of the program is questionable if that’s the case and it likely should be cut.

In other news, bears shit in the woods.

This article is completely ridiculous. I feel bad for the family who lost their child, that is an absolutely horrible experience, and they aren’t medical experts so I can see where they are coming from in blaming the doctor. However, the fact that you are writing this article without doing even a shred of research

If that was the point of the article they wouldn’t be desperately trying to invalidate everything about the movie. 90% of the article is about the manufactured controversy surrounding the movie rather than about this terrible person. 

The insistence that only white people can be racist is strange to me given that other races are racist to each other all the time with zero white involvement.

“Women were in the audience, but they weren’t any of the delegates” who helped create the state Constitution in 1895, Petersen said, according to Axios. “How do we know … what they thought the meaning of their rights were? It seems important in this context because women are the ones that experience pregnancy and

Is it really a political thing to like or dislike them though? I was under the impression that no one like them. They are quintessentially unlikeable people.