James Dodd

I feel the same way about those. My beliefs about things are pretty consistent, so that’s not as much of a gotcha as you might think it is.

I’m suspicious of anyone that pushes the health at any size movement for profit, which is what she does.

My response to the people reacting negatively to this movie is the same as the people who feel compelled to complain about lack of diversity or story lines they view as problematic because of their own hangups or beliefs.

The allegations are pretty believable actually.

It was a joke. One based on a commonly held idea of how high finance companies operate. Jokes usually reference commonly held beliefs or ideas in a hyperbolic way for effect. That’s how a lot of jokes work. 

There’s a lot that I don’t understand about this article. This site has spent years fawning over Trudeau so it’s weird to see an article suddenly paint him as some kind of bad guy because he’s getting separated.

That’s the good DEI. Unfortunately a lot of DEI consultants are incredibly racist people themselves who just push complete nonsense. I know a few people who have started DEI consulting businesses and they don’t do it to push a positive message of inclusion. They do it because they hate white people. 

It may be stupid but it is actually a common term. Many common terms are stupid when you actually think about them. 

LIZZO hounded her employees to catch dildos ejected from performers’ vaginas. LIZZO cheered loudly to motivate employees to eat bananas protruding from performers’ vaginas.”

Increasing diversity doesn’t make any sense if the people you are admitting to the trial don’t meet the requirements for the trial. All that does is create a larger margin of error for the study rendering it useless. There’s no evidence from the statement that people were excluded because of their race, only because

There’s been a lot of talk in Canada about teachers facing abuse from students and that school violence is on the rise. I have not seen similar discourse about this in the US. I could see the reasoning for this if the experience of teachers in the US was similar, although completely canning libraries to do so is a

It makes sense for her to throw the mic. She wasn’t using it for anything worthwhile anyways.

So the wnba youtube account has about 230k subscribers on youtube and this guy has over 7 million. His videos regularly have millions of views. The wnba accounts videos average a few thousand.

I mean, if you guys want Republicans to back abortion all you need is to have a test developed that will show if someone will be gay or trans when they’re in the womb. Then you’ll see exceptions to abortion bans pop up all over the place. 

It’s not there to quote anything. It’s essentially an air quote to call into question the culpability of the wife in this guys actions. In other words implying that he wasn’t living a double life. It’s an article designed to make the wife look as bad as possible because Kylie is a shitty person.  

It’s weird that they are essentially using a defense that he was simply making sexually aggressive passes at men. Grabbing someone’s junk is still assault if they don’t want it to happen. That is not clumsy flirting.

I’m all for reasonable limits on things, but one of the key problems with these abortion bans is that they are simply unreasonable. Disallowing aborting a dead or completely inviable fetus is just a strange position to take. It completely invalidates the argument that they’re doing this to protect the lives of babies.

Way to design a clickbait headline to try and make the wife look as shitty as possible when she’s likely a victim in all of this too.

The surrogacy law isn’t targeting LGBT people. It applies to everyone and actually rooted far more Italy’s intense xenophobia than anything else. It made it illegal to use surrogates from other countries. So pretending it’s targeting LGBT parents is just false.

Because clearly unless your partner only ever says glowing, fawning things about you and is never critical of anything you have a toxic relationship.