James Dodd

Sure just like it’s not racist in any way to lump all non-white people into one acronym - BIPOC. 

Trans-women are not biologically women. No amount of hormone therapy or surgery changes that. Yes, their bodies change with those treatments but they still maintain statistically significant advantages.

This take kind of ignores the fact that the term is just using a pre-existing term. Medical tourism. That term has been around for a long time and refers to travelling to get medical service somewhere that it is cheaper or more widely available. Pretending it has to do with sightseeing is just dumb since none of the

Yes. Let’s bash a sport that is actually far more inclusive than pretty much any other sport. That can be played by pretty much anyone, and has little cost to be involved in. A sport that did mostly grow from a grass roots movement of people starting pickleball programs at community centers and was mostly focused on

It’s weird how saying people of colour is a-ok but saying coloured people isn’t. 

The whole critique of the “pick me girl” thing has always seemed disingenuous. Is it wrong for a woman who is attracted to men to seek male attention? How about a woman who is attracted to women? Or man who are attracted to men?

I actually do care about abuse. I come from an abusive home, so I have a very personal frame of reference for what I consider to be actual abuse. I’ve seen and experienced emotional and physical abuse first hand. I watched my mother experience it every day. I watched my siblings experience it every day. And I

I’d like to add. I appreciate your thoughtful and well reasoned response. It’s rare to see those here when someone disagrees. 

Your responses are incredibly childish. I’m not sure how I’m the troll when you’re the one being insulting in each comment.

It really seems like Disney can’t win. They have one group of people complaining that their story lines marginalize women and another group of people calling it the M She U because they don’t like current female representation in their stories. I guess it just shows that either both groups that are complaining are

I put boundaries in quotes on purpose because I thought it was a dumb way of framing it. Still doesn’t make it abusive. And calling it that is kind of insulting to people who face actual abuse. 

Maybe, but a lot of people I know don’t actually think that far ahead when it comes to relationships.

Not really. The blanket comparison to Disney doesn’t make much sense given the lack of data on how viewed this actually was. Comparing a straight to streaming release of a movie we have no data for to a full theatrical release we have box office numbers for is disingenuous at best. It’s not even close to the same

From what I can tell Hill wasn’t forcing her to stay in the relationship. Were his “boundaries” excessive? Yes. But that doesn’t amount to abuse. I see no evidence that he was being coercive. He said what he wanted and told her to take it or leave it. There may be more to this that would make it actually coercive or

I’m not sure where the outrage is coming from here. The original song was a massive hit in it’s own right, just not on country charts, because it wasn’t a country song. This article really diminishes the success she had with the original release, which is just a really strange take.

Sorority groups have always been exclusionary. That is the entire purpose of the group. It provides status by being exclusive. Maybe the real question should be why such organizations are allowed to exist on campuses at all given all of the negative things we know about them. But getting mad over a sorority having an

Lying about having received a request to build a website was just stupid. It’s perfectly valid for a law to be challenged on theoretical grounds, that’s done all the time. Laws are frequently challenged before taking effect based on theoretical grounds.  

It’s weird that you would say that considering the fact that I am here openly consuming media from these sites. My reading and commenting on articles here directly disproves your assertion. Not much thought went into your comment.

The Root and Jezebel are both jokes. They both have massive ideological blind spots that make most of what they post complete nonsense. To be fair though, The Root is worse, they support so many unsubstantiated conspiracy theories that they almost come off as being Onion articles. 

Why does this guy look like he’s always constipated?