James Dodd

It actually clearly does in this case. For one thing, there are other areas of Tolkien’s writing where he does explicitly refer to elves as white (though not in the Lord of the Rings trilogy to my knowledge), and within the context of what fair skinned meant when the books were written the meaning is clear.

Yup. And it’s virtually guaranteed that she won’t correct the article, she never does. Which, as far as I’m concerned, implies she usually knows she’s not telling the truth and doesn’t care.  

Tolkien’s writing never expressly identified anyone as white;”

the only reason we’re forced to continue talking about any of it is that conservatives are tripping over themselves to claim Sweeney as their own and to drag Twitter liberals (who, in fairness, probably didn’t need to raise this much of a storm!).”

I’m not entirely sure what “straight pride” has to do with abortion or race for that matter. It’s almost like they’re just standard misogynist bigots trying to dress up in a reactionary message that’s deliberately referencing something they don’t like.

What an awesome well thought out rebuttal. 

So she posts something and immediately blocks or removes it from viewing, and rather than allowing her the autonomy to decide what she does and does not want to share you decide to bypass her decision and share it anyways?

I’m sorry but “ pregnancy-capable people” just sounds an awful lot like hani-capable. You could just say biological females and it would make just as much sense. It’s not like trans men have any illusions about the physical realities of their bodies. 

This isn’t particularly surprising. He’s not even a particularly good musician or singer. He’s a pretty man who was selected by a marketing team to join a boy band and has rode the success of that band and his looks to other things. He has the money and backing to pay people to write songs for him and succeeds mostly

The headline is kind of stupid considering the fact that there are clearly other benefits to dating him. These women aren’t dating him to try and sell photos 25 years later.

The complaints about this seem ridiculous to me. If you don’t like the content, don’t watch it. I’m fairly certain everyone going in knew there would be depictions of violence and that it was a fantasy show.

The allegations against Michaels and Morgan seem pretty flimsy since there’s nothing mentioned of them knowing about the nature of the alleged relationship. The fact that Morgan rented out a space doesn’t make him liable for what happened there anymore than any other landlord. The addition of them as defendants seems

I worked for RIM when the first iphone came out. It was amazing how no one there viewed the iphone as a threat. It was even more ridiculous watching their confidence that the Storm would be an iphone killer because the touchscreen clicked. They really believed that their ubiquity in the business market would insulate

It’s not mentioned in the article, so people may just be unaware. It appears that some people who are unsupportive have also not used their proper pronoun. 

I wasn’t aware of their choice of pronoun.

That’s not atypical of people with some types of mental health issues though. 

While his behaviour shouldn’t be excused, I find the tone of this article to be pretty distasteful. If he is actually experiencing a mental health crisis and is seeking help for it that shouldn’t be met with the level of disdain that this article appears to have. It’s hypocritical of you to post articles criticizing

It’s a movie designed to appeal to a specific audience. If you don’t like the premise, don’t watch it. There’s no reason to be offended by it, just don’t watch it. That’s the way media content works. The same way Barney was designed for an audience of toddlers, not adults. Only a fool would believe that all media

Let them waste their money. That’s 275 grand that won’t go to other anti-abortion efforts that are more effective at blocking access to abortion. 

It’s funny that Dojacat lacks the self awareness to understand that the way she looks is what has driven her ability to get any recognition, cause it’s certainly not based on the music.