James Dodd

Seems weird to leave out gay and trans people on a conservative dating app since conservatives seem to love gay and trans porn based on regional breakdowns of porn searches. 

This is a pretty useless take. They are taking the fact that dating apps have more men on them, and the fact that more people are unpartnered for longer now than before and attributing that to a skills deficit in men with zero evidence to support it. This is essentially an opinion piece that references two stats that

Generally speaking you shouldn’t discuss any illegal activity on social media. That’s common sense. The fact that you disagree with something being illegal doesn’t make it legal. Social media companies aren’t your friends and they have no duty to maintain your privacy, that is antithetical to their entire business

The longest pregnancy on record was a little over 53 weeks long. 

Most Republicans haven’t had a consistent set of values for decades now, that’s not new. They essentially operate as a hive mind, with decisions about what they like or dislike being made flippantly by a handful of media/political personalities. Values don’t actually matter to them so much as a perception of whether

Seems foolish to report on a legal dispute that you are in, regardless of how frivolous it may seem. I thought Hulk Hogan’s case against Gawker wasn’t particularly strong, but he still managed to shut them down.  

This is a really long article to write about the fact that a club no one has ever heard of is closing due to the owners own negligence in operation.

Or, the more likely reason, is that some republicans legitimately believe abortion is murder (even if the general public doesn’t) and are less likely to support murder (as they see it), since that hurts someone than gay marriage, which doesn’t hurt anyone no matter how they frame it.

It’s not a wage gap. They are content creators who get paid based on what content is most popular. Getting paid more for content that is more popular isn’t a wage gap, that’s fair pay. A wage gap can only exist if the product of the labour is of equal value, which isn’t the case in this instance. 

Come on. It’s like you’re not even trying to support your own argument. You might as well just play the everyone who disagrees with me is a bigot card now if you’re not even going to try to make a good faith argument. 

I actually already addressed a big chunk of that in a different comment to you.

I agree that peer review doesn’t automatically make something right. I just don’t see how you can be making accurate judgement calls on the veracity of the study. Unless of course you are actually qualified to do so and have done so, but seeing as how this is the internet and I would have no reason to believe you if

Saying that the entire question of fairness in sport related to trans athletes is based on one athlete is just not accurate. It’s been brought up about several athletes.

I didn’t say that at all. Of course the article has since been peer reviewed and published in a reputable journal as well as cited in multiple peer reviewed studies and supported by a bunch of other studies. So I’m not sure where you get the idea that they’re using inaccurate testing. You’d think that would have been

It’s not transphobic to question the fairness of trans women competing against biological women. That’s called critical thinking or debate. It’s not inherently transphobic to have questions about something. Saying that is just a method to shut down meaningful debate.

So your proof that the studies author is a “TERF” is the fact that someone called them a TERF because they were researching the issue in question. That’s some great proof you have there.

Theoretically that solves nothing since the trans women will still want to compete in the womens category. 

I just gave you the citation. How thick are you? 

All you have to do is read, it’s been there the whole time:

Yeah I’ve seen that argument before too. Another BS argument that ignores how distributions in advantages work between biological males and females.