James Dodd

Yeah, that’s what happens when you dismiss actual scientific studies in favor of survey data that supports your feelings.

They posted a citation, which is just as good so long as you’re capable of using google.

Really that’s all you’ve got? Someone already posted a related citation, you can go find the rest yourself.

I mean, all you have to do is scroll down a little further to see a sourced post someone else put up in reference to a study that you think doesn’t exist. 

Sadly, the area of gay and trans rights is one where progressives have shown they are just as willing as conservatives to be anti-science. It’s striking how readily they will dismiss any number of scientific studies using the excuse that they must be biased. It’s sad that they use the idea that anyone who presents

Pretty much all current scientific research shows that trans females maintain a biological advantage for several years post op, even with reduced testosterone levels if they had gone through puberty as a male.

It seems disingenuous to say that this is simply an attack on trans athletes and that it’s not about protecting fair competition for female athletes when there is no one pushing for banning trans men from competition. If it were just about oppressing trans people there would be blanket bans, not only bans based on

Suicide rates are higher for girls than boys in general, so the fact that they would be higher for black girls isn’t particularly surprising and the cause is likely similar to increasing suicide rates in general. Social media is pretty squarely to blame for the massive rise in suicide rates for girls. Address that

And so the question will be, if the movie isn’t as profitable as expected will they opt to release a different version for all the markets that banned the film as they said they wouldn’t do. 

So people aren’t allowed to change their minds about something? Unless she recently had an abortion it doesn’t really matter. She could even make an argument that having had abortions is what made her anti-abortion, it wouldn’t be the first time someone has said that, and that’s not an invalid personal opinion to

I missed any link to the full article, so thanks for pointing that out. The only reason I was critical of it is because of how poor the methodology typically is in most studies of this nature, generally speaking. They may have accounted for location, but sample size was still woefully inadequate to be considered a

The article is literally discussing a black male character who is straight and a nerd. Your take is ridiculous in context of the article.

Not that I’m interested in supporting anything Ted Cruz has to say, but saying he’s sexualizing them is a stretch. It seems more like a tortured attempt at trying to sound funny than actually sexualizing them. This article is at best failing to recognize the context of what he said and at worst, deliberately twisting

This study doesn’t seem to point to anything particular beyond the fact that kids in general get teased if they’re different, which happens to all kids, not just black kids. It’s hard to say since the actual journal is closed access, and therefor I can’t actually read what methodology they are using, but the sample

So really this isn’t a story about terrible men being supported by terrible workplace culture. It’s a story about how unions are being used to support workers who engage in actions that should get them fired since the cases of these guys getting their jobs back is completely chalked up to union support in this

The new season was pretty bad actually. Very predictable and very poorly written in general. But this is such a dumb take on the show. Lucas has received just as much, if not more character development than all the side characters. The shows main character is 11, the other characters are secondary characters. Maybe

Where is the line drawn on how careful we need to be with our words in the case of someone else’s self identity? It’s getting completely ludicrous, that every statement that gets made needs to pass an ever evolving purity test.

“what small sacrifices can we individually make” pretty obviously refers to some kind of gun control. Unless you think he’s saying that he thinks people should no longer go to school.

The argument that jokes like these will cause hate crimes is just another version of the argument that video games contribute to real world violence. Video games do the opposite according to all research, and I’d hazard a guess that jokes like these do the same, since these jokes actually serve as a way to normalize

I really don’t understand why the US is the only country on the planet that is unable to enact any meaningful gun regulation.