James Dodd

What world inaction? Western nations are providing huge amounts of support to Ukraine and heavily sanctioning Russia. Realistically the maximum amount they can without declaring outright war. Some people might think that’s a good idea, but those people probably aren’t experts in geopolitics. Not that I’m an expert

It’s a comic fantasy world, there are tons of comic characters with super strength who aren’t massively built cause it’s fantasy, not reality. It isn’t necessary for it to be realistic.  

I didn’t realize that, still not interested though. With gas prices the way they are I’d be interested in looking at electric options, but Tesla wouldn’t be my first choice for many reasons. 

I get where he’s coming from. I mean, if I looked like Ted Cruz, I’d expect women to be throwing themselves at me too.

You can believe in the free exchange of ideas and still believe that an NDA is a valid agreement. In this case it may have a dubious purpose, but that doesn’t mean that supporting free speech and NDAs is mutually exclusive. Suggesting otherwise is just dumb. Especially when Musk has never said he believes that all

That’s not the point of this article. The point of this article is to make a click bait article by presenting a false equivalency and relate one talking point about Musk to another one in the news right now even though they aren’t actually related. Let’s not pretend that this article has some noble philosophical

No. I don’t own a tesla, nor do I plan on owning one. I live in Northern Ontario I’m not interested in owning anything that doesn’t have all wheel drive. 

Supporting free speech doesn’t mean supporting all types of speech. That is a dumb, disingenuous framing of the issue. NDAs don’t run counter to the idea of free speech unless you are a free speech absolutist, which Musk doesn’t seem to be.

I guess we can expect hyper intense coverage of any kind of illnesses for the next few years. Got to full up that news cycle with something, even if it’s a relatively easy to control outbreak. 

Expanding the supreme court is just a dumb idea being floated because of how ineffectual the Democats have been. If you increase the supreme court for partisan reasons there’s nothing that stops the other party from doing so the second they have power and then you just have a game of having every meaningful piece of

You have to be the dumbest person I’ve ever talked to. Or maybe someone paid to post talking points. Even if I did the leg work for you and posted literal citations from Plato and Aristotle discussing the origins of life you’d still insist it was solely a religious argument.

Yeah. Back to your one liner cause you know that you can’t justify your religious argument.  Your inability to defend your position is just sad and clearly based in hatred.

Frankly you come across as a bigot. There isn’t really any other word for it. You’re trying to blame one group of people for an entire issue that isn’t actually entirely related to them. There’s a word for that 

You are wrong. You literally couldn’t be more wrong that the ethical question of when life starts is based solely in religion. There are texts written by Greek philosophers addressing it that aren’t based in Greek religious traditions. Again, your ignorance doesn’t make you right. It just makes you ignorant. I’m not a

It’s not a religious argument. You’re only insisting it is cause you know you’ve got nothing. Right to life, within reasonable confines, is literally in the constitution. All you’re doing is spouting ideological nonsense and straw man arguments without actually trying to address my arguments. You’ve never directly

You seriously don’t seem to get how rights work. Rights aren’t absolute and when rights conflict someone has their rights infringed. If you are incapable of understand that than you’re simply not worth talking to. There are plenty of legal examples of this. An example of one you likely support is religious cake shop

You don’t seem to understand how rights work. If a fetus is legally a person then they have rights. Therefore the question becomes whose rights are being infringed more. And when that test is applied a determination can be made as to whose rights supersede the others. This is why your argument fails. You lack a

I’m sure some number of people would opt to disconnect the person. No matter what question you ask, even if it’s terrible you’ll probably get 10% of people agreeing with the terrible position so some amount of people will say yes.

First of all, spouting the same one liner all the time doesn’t make it a valid argument. There’s a reason that none of the court cases arguing for abortion in any country hinge on bodily autonomy. And the reason why is cause it’s a weak argument and the pro choice lawyers know that. They attack the issue based on a

There’s a big difference between a two month old (which is what I said) and a two year old (which is what you claim I said).