James Dodd

You are quite frankly wrong. The entire debate surrounding abortion hinges on the non person hood of fetuses, ceding the idea that they aren’t people you cede the argument that it isn’t murder to abort them. That’s fairly obvious. The fact that they are dependent on their mother is irrelevant if you ignore the central

That may be a valid opinion if pro lifers had ever said or implied that they are pro life in all cases, which is not something they’ve ever said. It’s an incredibly weak argument to make so say that because of a vague slogan, that has clearly been articulated to mean one thing, means something else just because of the

That’s a pretty terrible hypothetical since I think most people, while not particularly being happy about it, would voluntarily stay connected to said random person if it meant they would die. Especially if they knew it was temporary.

Making a comparison to support for the death penalty and not supporting abortion is pretty disingenuous for obvious reasons.

Saying they need additional pay is just incredibly hypocritical for a site that frequently runs content admonishing governments and corporations for wage disparity.

US drug laws have no bearing on another countries drug laws so there’s no such thing as a “cole” memo for international drug relations. It simply isn’t something that can exist. No country, especially one on bad terms with the US would cede any kind of legal sovereignty to the US. Period. Canada is on good terms with

I fully expect an article on this site at some point that says that ads for Crest White Stripes are white supremacy because they imply white teeth are preferable to non white teeth. It would not surprise me at all given their propensity for calling anything and everything white supremacy.

Yeah. $228,000 is a paltry salary. Sure. Is it comparatively smaller than an NBA salary? Yes. But that’s still six and a half times median earnings in the US. Most people would consider $228k a pretty good salary. Let’s not pretend that a high salary isn’t high by selective comparison. After all, by that logic I could

Disgusting. That’s really the only word for it. Who cares if they are illegal immigrants? It’s not like the babies crawled over the border themselves. This is just more promotion of barbarism as deterrent to border crossing. I wouldn’t be surprised if the maintstream Republican position becomes shoot border crossers

No I’m saying the fact that the policy literally forbids having specific personal thoughts is problematic and is similar in nature to other similar authoritarian leaning policies. I never compared it to forced pregnancies or militarization of the police. You did that. 

People being distracted by culture war bullshit doesn’t force the hand of capital.”

You didn’t poke a hole in anything. You took what I said out of context and pretended that your comment addressed what I said when it didn’t. If you read my other comments you’d probably be aware that this site isn’t my only exposure to “leftists. I’m a lifelong card carrying member of the NDP who has worked on

Yeah, that’s correct. I should’ve been more specific in my comment. Thank you for pointing that out.

Clearly I was speaking generally, not about this site specifically. I didn’t mention the site once in that post. 

I don’t think you understand the extent to which what you’re saying isn’t true, at least in Canada. The organization I work for literally has policies in place that say “if you hold the belief that heteronormative relationships are superior to any other form of relationship” that it’s grounds for dismissal with cause.

Clearly I can be center left if I choose to be. I just can’t do it without being called a terrible evil person by people I’m 90% aligned with politically. My point is that the public face of the left and right have essentially become political orthodoxies that attempt to purge voices that aren’t in 100% agreement on

You’re not allowed to be center left anymore. You’re not even allowed to be hard left but disagree on a single talking point anymore. Sadly the loudest voices on the left seem to have adopted the same tactics that the loudest voices on the right started using in the 80s. Both sides are vehemently anti-science if the

I find it ironic how this site that has posted numerous articles about how terrible men are if they have preferences surrounding appearance has also posted numerous articles talking about big dick energy and tall energy, like that’s an actual thing outside of their own warped perception of male beauty standards. The

I think Goop is a ridiculous company that peddles ridiculous wares to ridiculous people. That being said, if this was meant as a joke, it shows a level of self awareness about what they’re doing that I didn’t realize they had.

It also appears that the claim that facial recognition tech is biased is also not really supported by any evidence: https://itif.org/publications/2020/01/27/critics-were-wrong-nist-data-shows-best-facial-recognition-algorithms