James Dodd

How does this technology discriminate against non white people exactly? I’m pretty sure that smiles and frowns are universally similar in emotional context across cultures. I might be wrong on that, but it seems to be common sense that they are since genuine emotional expressions are pretty much involuntary.

It looks like the, “I thought she was a cannoli” defense works.

I try to give people the benefit of the doubt. After all, I’m sure a bunch of people here would consider me a troll just by virtue of not liking my opinions. 

He can order the creation of formula using the same mechanism that was used to order factories to produce ventilators. 

After looking into it a little it seems that there is some availability, but framing it as not being able to get preferred brands isn’t accurate from what I’ve seen. It’s related more to not being able to get specific formulations, like hypoallergenic ones, which isn’t just a matter of brand preference if your child

But the GOP good old boys will always have access to abortions. They will get it done in a liberal state or go to Canada or Mexico. They’re not worried about their access. 

It’s crazy that more isn’t being done about a formula shortage, that’s a really big deal. Suggesting people just breast feed isn’t a realistic solution since it’s just not possible for all parents for a host of reasons. If they want to push a breast feeding agenda then they really need to make paid maternity leave a

There’s nothing wrong with teaching students about the historical atrocities of communist countries so long as they actually classify communist countries correctly and don’t try to disingenuously teach that the USSR and Denmark are ideological equivalents, which is a real concern with how most right wingers view

The thing is, the current draft decision isn’t technically wrong. The original ruling is flawed in the sense that using a right to privacy as a way to extrapolate the right to receive an abortion is a stretch.

I can’t vote for him. I’m a Canadian. I’ve also voted NDP or Green my entire life, which if if you look it up you’ll see they are far more left wing than the Democrats. 

Every statement you’ve made has just been a series of ad hominem attacks. You clearly have no reasonable argument. You’ve outright said you think that voting Republican automatically makes someone evil, which is just nonsense. You clearly aren’t capable of an objective argument on this subject.

Nope. The implication of the statement is clearly laid out. She isn’t talking about general society. She is singling out one group of people. There is zero credibility to the statement I was criticizing.

That’s kind of like saying, it’s my car so no one can tell me how to drive it. The fact that something is happening in your body doesn’t necessarily give you complete autonomy to make a decision about it no matter the circumstances. In fact, there are plenty of examples of men and women not having legal autonomy over

That’s a ridiculous stretch from what my point is. It doesn’t prove that the point that all republicans hate women because sexism and domestic violence generally exist. I can’t believe how ridiculous these arguments are. It also didn’t take long for you to jump right to the nazis.

According to most of the research on it, generally speaking it is.

From the headline I thought there would be an actual article not one tweet in response to another tweet. The whole article seems to be reading a lot into what he tweeted and saying that he is literally attributing the things he lists as being due to Roe v Wade, which confuses correlation with causation. But what he

Just pointing out how much of a hack the author is. Which is fair game. It’s not like I’m the only person who has that opinion judging from the other comments. 

In a way this is almost more progressive than I would have expected from Republicans. I would’ve expected them to just use the existing rating system and insist that shows with that content be labelled with the highest possible rating.

It’s a little bit funny and sad to watch how hard you guys will bend over backwards to justify a gross generalization of people based on one thing that they did that you have no knowledge of their personal reasoning for.

Did you actually read what I said? I never questioned his guilt. I was speaking about the quote I pulled from the article.