James Dodd

I never said there was evidence of what I said. I presented a possible alternative that was just as likely.

People will do anything to say how much they hate women, huh?”

So what you’re saying is that if a villain is female it’s sexism, because you don’t like the character arc being given to the character. That’s a pretty terrible take that only works by you cherry picking two characters. After all, you can look at other female characters that gain power in both series that aren’t

Yeah, heaven forbid someone have a nuanced opinion on a subject. 

You clearly have no idea what I’m talking about. It’s not a straw man argument when people literally make that argument. I’ve seen people make that literal argument here. The point is that both of those arguments are bad faith arguments.

You assume that a fetus is non sentient, which is exactly the point that I was making about pro choice bad faith arguments. You can make that argument to a point but not for an entire pregnancy as some people try to do.

You don’t need to be religious to believe there are ethical concerns related to abortion. The real question is, at what point is aborting a fetus ethically wrong, which isn’t a religious question, it’s a ethical one. At least that’s the question that both sides should be asking.

The abortion debate has been distorted by both sides to the point that it’s ridiculous. You have one side insisting that a clump of cells that has zero resemblance to a human is a human and the other side insisting that a fully formed fetus isn’t a human until a woman’s given birth. Both arguments are completely

Yes this is a ridiculous spectacle. But is it any more ridiculous of a spectacle than your average Pride parade? Not really. It actually is similar in a lot of ways, which would probably be disappointing to both groups if they had the self awareness to realize it.

The problem with the argument of this whole article is that someone with BPD is an unreliable witness. You can argue about whether or not the diagnosis is accurate, but you can’t say that a true diagnosis is unfair to bring up because it does have a direct impact on the credibility of their testimony. 

This article seems to misunderstand the fundamental transaction taking place. Musk isn’t spending $44 billion out of pocket. It’s a financed deal from investors, primarily investment banks. Those investors are purchasing an asset. Temporarily feeding everyone in the world, while an admirable goal, isn’t a tangible

That’s just a silly thing to say. People don’t generally vote for a leader because they are a homophobe but because of a range of issues and simple place higher value on issues other than homophobic rhetoric. Your comment is a gross generalization that only serves to dumb down a complex issue, which is something that

Realistically, Twitter is a dumpster fire as it is and the current corporate leadership team doesn’t seem to have any incentive or will to change that so this might be something to be cautiously optimistic about. It could go either way, but I don’t really see how he could make it any worse. 

So a pump and dump scheme. Celebrities dump a bunch of disposable income into a hyped venture to hype it further, media reports on it which hypes it more, the value goes up, the celebrities sell. 

It’s a little hypocritical for a site to run stories about objectifying women as being a major issue when they run plenty of stories talking about the Big Dick Energy of male celebrities. 

I mean the real question is what man would want Ted Cruz to blow him? That’s got to be a short to non-existent list.

When all you have is a hammer everything looks like a nail.

It’s a common figure of speech. It doesn’t invalidate their relationship at all. It’s the exact same way someone would put it for a hetero couple starting to have children. Phrasing it that way is literally equality. 

If seeing photos of a celebrity pregnant is enough to make you consider getting pregnant despite what you describe as “trauma” it probably means a few things. The first is that said trauma probably isn’t substantial, and is probably not actually traumatic. The second is that you have a very shallow concept of what

You could also complain that ESPN isn’t covering bowling tournaments. Some people watch those too. Just not enough to make it worth their while. That’s the case for most women’s leagues. If you want them to get equal coverage to men’s leagues then they need to find ways to attract comparable viewership. It’s really