James Dodd

There still isn’t an equivalence there. You still need to look at averages to see if it makes sense to allow them to compete. What you’re arguing there is that a one off anomaly should mean that we change the rules for everyone, which is a little ridiculous.

This is just a rehashing of the violence in video games begets violence in the real life, which has been roundly debunked. The opposite has been shown in that case in all studies done on the subject and I’m sure this would have similar results. 

Not sure what difference it makes. It seems like society is so polarized now that regardless of who a democrat selects you can predict how they will rule on almost all every issue the same way you could for a Republican appointee. So arguing about whether this allows for picking the person of most merit seems moot.

Of course it’s only a straight problem. If the question exists between male/female relationships as a necessity of how the question is framed than it can’t exist in same sex relationships. So calling it a heteronormative caused problem is moot, since it has nothing to do with same sex couples by necessity. You are

You are an anomaly then. Generally speaking men are taller and stronger than women. Obviously that’s not always the case, but it is generally true. Saying it’s not true in your specific case doesn’t make the generalization any less true, it just means you are a statistical outlier. “Almost always” means just that, not

What people who advocate for this kind of stuff fail to understand is that a one time investment doesn’t equal long term support. Sports teams aren’t charities, they’re businesses designed to make money, they only do that if people pay to watch them play the game. If the teams were likely to be financially viable than

It’s hard to call the tradition sexist if there is nothing to compare it to. Presumably if there was a female president or president in a same sex couple than their partner would do the same thing. So you’re really complaining about something that doesn’t make sense to complain about. What you should be complaining

If you’re looking for accurate, insightful analysis you’re on the wrong site. 

That’s simply not the case. There are several conditions that make it essentially not possible for someone to understand that hitting someone else is wrong. My wife is a social worker who specializes in crisis intervention for youth with dual diagnosis’. Developmental disabilities combined with mental illnesses can

I used that comparison because it was an apt comparison. The main reason being that psychopathy is generally untreatable. It has nothing to do with trying to hurt someone’s feelings, it was just the best comparison. I am empathetic to pedophiles just as much as I am empathetic to someone born with a heart condition,

Not really. The article appears to be conflating the two things especially if you continue reading passed the part about the snitch hotline. Where it immediately segues into talking about geofencing and groups partnering with fertility apps and from there directly to browser search histories.

It isn’t bigotry to say that pathological abhorrent behavior is a disease. That is how many mental illnesses are defined. To say that is to say that psychopathy isn’t a disease, or that it’s bigotry to call someone a psychopath even though they exhibit psychopathic tendencies.

I don’t think that the articles assertion that the current Texas law will be enforceable through digital surveillance is accurate. The comparisons being made don’t work since the whole point of the Texas law is that they are civil proceedings. There is no discovery process is civil proceedings that would allow a

If the point of her wearing “costumes” is to create a distraction, as you say. Then aren’t you playing into that distraction by contributing to the shallow analysis of this to any extent? You’re essentially saying don’t feed the troll while doing exactly that.

Really the argument that we need to destigmatize the language surrounding pedophiles should be predicated on one thing: is there any effective treatment for a pedophile that seeks it?

In theory therapy can’t change how people feel about it but can change their behaviours surrounding it, essentially suppressing it. But that is the case for any behaviour, like addiction, or habits, or even sexual preference. Of course the therapies required to change those internal wirings vary wildly in

I never said it wasn’t self defence to some degree. I said that he used an unacceptable level of force for it to be reasonably construed as simple self defence.

Bet this person wasn’t thinking when they selected their topic of research that they were essentially creating the very thing that conservatives imagined would be the consequence of allowing gay marriage. It doesn’t get much more on the nose to the conservative slippery slope arguments against gay marriage than a

I have watched a few videos, but I assume you mean the drone video, which I have. Doesn’t change the fact that self defence should still require use of the principle of least force. It’s questionable that his life was adequately threatened to justify the level of force he used. And it would only escalated to that

Hard to believe he wasn’t found guilty of anything. As a Canadian, I find the verdict in this case completely irrational. There’s very little likelihood a similar verdict would’ve been reached here, except maybe in Alberta.