James Dodd

Pretending that power dynamics don’t exist in homosexual relationships is either being willfully ignorant or just plain naive. Frankly the hot takes of people here pretending that heterosexual relationships are inherently dysfunctional are just stupid and no better than the people who used to say that homosexual

Big budget films will never have core plot points devoted to LGBT characters for one reason. Foreign markets, specifically China. They may add scenes, but they’ll make sure that they can be easily cut with the rest of the story intact because doing otherwise risks showings in China and they need that market to get

Why should Bezos delete his Twitter account for making a joke you didn’t think was funny?

That’s the thing. It’s really easy to find similar prank videos for homosexual relationships, which tells me that the author of the article had an agenda in what they wrote that isn’t based in reality. They were trying to prove a point they wanted to make by ignoring half of the evidence, which obviously resonates

Lol. Maybe, but the sample size is pretty small, it might be bad luck with the sampling.

I wasn’t trying to make it about infidelity. I was only making a point that it’s ridiculous to pretend that videos like this say something specific and unique about heterosexual relationships. I was critiquing a position someone else made regarding infidelity being a hallmark of heterosexual relationships, which is a

Honestly I’d have to go back to the study to review their intended methodology for the demographic breakdowns to make a call on that one.

Lol. So misrepresent the study, blatantly disregard anything i say in an effort to not answer a simple question, assume my sexuality, and then bail when it’s clear you can’t win the argument. Fair enough, I was getting tired of arguing with someone so unwilling to have a reasonable discussion.

Still waiting for anything to back up your original assertion. Anything at all. 

They really don’t seem to understand the fact that this study was only provided for context to illustrate the point that what they said is not backed up by any evidence. They are instead desperately manipulating data in an effort to try and prove a point that completely misses the forest for the trees. 

Just looked at the chart you were referencing and realized that you are in fact cherry picking from the chart. You left out part of the dataset. Maybe you don’t think the B’s belong in the LGBT.  When included in the general figures it makes sense with the findings in the conclusion. 

So far as the chart, I’m not sure why it doesn’t square with the actual findings of the study, and I don’t care to dig into it anymore when there are other studies that say the same thing. Providing the study was only meant to be illustrative of the fact that studies exist that show that since you asked for it.

You seem to be cherry picking from the study. Those numbers only work if you exclude men and all other female groups but lesbian from the study since the prevalence of NCNM was lower for women. Excerpts from the study conclusion:

Pretending that there is no difference in how heterosexual an homosexual people behave in relationships is just silly. Homosexuals are also far more likely to be okay with an open relationship than heterosexuals according to similar studies, which is a healthy thing. Certainly healthier than infidelity. Just because

Your statement makes a few false assumptions.

Here you go: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5958351/

Do you have literally anything to back that up? From studies I’ve seen before rates of infidelity are higher in homosexual relationships, so it doesn’t make sense to say that the resultant relationship dynamics associated with infidelity would be more prevalent in heterosexual relationships. That’s nothing more than

It appears they do. It took a 2 second google search to find that, yes, men do similar pranks on their partners too. 

Lego is doing god’s work. Providing the incels with hours of fun to keep them off the streets. 

That’s true. To be fair Pinker is the least ridiculous of the lot. I at least don’t believe that his arguments are intellectually dishonest, maybe overly optimistic, but he isn’t pushing a blatantly false narrative. It’s surprising that he would want to involve himself with this group, disappointing actually.