
of course she is, look at that flippin’ jacket

or fireman

“sucks if it bleeds on you, but otherwise it’s mostly fine.”

Always ride with your high beam on!

why isn’t there one next to a miata?


they look like the district managers of a papa johns franchise in the small town before you get in the city limits

pretty much not a lot. Except ‘talk about stuff.’ if only there was a more convinient, organized, accessible, ie non dark web place where people could discuss things. or get information about ‘emergency preparedness.’ or get news. or talk books. or play chess.

So if this plane goes straight for more than about 5 seconds...it’s pretty much gone, right?

I bet that’s less than all the damn ads use on average.

good movie you should watch it

eats through terabyte SSDs

This is a beautifully Houstonian silver lining: sure, the flood waters would have made for excellent mosquito breeding grounds, but all the escaped toxins will pretty much take care of them.

more like informationrichsplaining, amiright?

Welcome to Texas ya limey bastard.

rain would be a god send. I’d be worried out starting work drenched in sweat.

it was the Russians’ fault

thank you.

at high engine loads, prevents ECU from dumping gas into the combustion chambers to lower exhaust temperatures... a staggering 20 percent better highway fuel economy on the 2017 VW Golf Alltrack he was driving. 

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