
would it be reasonable to say a bypass turbofan is a turboprop with a really advanced and enclosed prop?

ID Europe...so, more socialist, smaller cars?

where do you live? rural?

No, this is not a freak accident. A tree falling on your vic is a freak accident. Someone taking a chainsaw to a tree that then falls on your vic has a cause.

PriceWaterhouseCoopers, the accountant firm that handles the envelopes, has, I believe, apologized for the wrong envelope being given to Dunaway and Beatty.



One of the disturbing things of the PBS POV docu Girl Model was one of the ‘talent reps’ describing how he preferred girls under about 15, not because of any aesthetic but because at that age they are more likely to accept their ‘role’ and not speak up for themselves. The rep likes them under 15 specifically so they

well it says ‘note to self’ so clearly legit

can you name me?

Yup. Great design. No idea what this guy’s talking about, except that’s he’s WRONG with a capital T, and is Fake media, and is an enemy of the people. The story back in the day, as I remember it, was potential car buyers freely acknowledging that a Porsche may be the better in driving, but the R8 was just so good

Elysium...all the style of D9 with a lobotomy. I certainly enjoyed it, but it was beyond silly. OTOH, Sharlto Copley going from timid loser nepotist no-level bureaucrat to scorched earth mercenary was fun.

I’m not saying your wrong. ‘Gladiator’ compares handily to Peter Weir’s ‘Master and Commander’ as they are both historically based movies starring Russell Crow, and while they are both beautiful and certainly yes I WAS ENTERTAINED, Weir’s production has so much depth of story and characters it makes shallower movies

It’s been 4 years so...is your fiance single?

I was on an international flight not long after Wolves of Wall Street hit the in-flight entertainment circuit. Man, I’ve never seen so many hookers and blow. Tits from wall to wall.

‘missed death by the thickness of tissue paper’ - Arnold Schwarzenegar, probably.


Maybe that’s what 17,000 £ of engineering, manufacturing, and retailing would be you back then, vs. today. OR becuase NCAP came to town. OR both. OR neither. Make Britain Great Again! 

Some sweet work, but man, we need a conservation movement to save the fenders.

Fond memories of playing XWing with my friend on his 486 and my Thrustmaster joysticks. Re: Death Star plans, and how many times The Fate of the Galaxy! has been put in the player’s hands, leading to a super complicated story if you try to tie them together: io9-link.

Is it true Maarek Steele is getting a “50 shades of empire” spin off?