


One of the disturbing things of the PBS POV docu Girl Model was one of the ‘talent reps’ describing how he preferred girls under about 15, not because of any aesthetic but because at that age they are more likely to accept their ‘role’ and not speak up for themselves. The rep likes them under 15 specifically so they

can you name me?

Yup. Great design. No idea what this guy’s talking about, except that’s he’s WRONG with a capital T, and is Fake media, and is an enemy of the people. The story back in the day, as I remember it, was potential car buyers freely acknowledging that a Porsche may be the better in driving, but the R8 was just so good

It’s been 4 years so...is your fiance single?

I was on an international flight not long after Wolves of Wall Street hit the in-flight entertainment circuit. Man, I’ve never seen so many hookers and blow. Tits from wall to wall.

‘missed death by the thickness of tissue paper’ - Arnold Schwarzenegar, probably.


Maybe that’s what 17,000 £ of engineering, manufacturing, and retailing would be you back then, vs. today. OR becuase NCAP came to town. OR both. OR neither. Make Britain Great Again! 

Some sweet work, but man, we need a conservation movement to save the fenders.

where did you go to school? I’m from Houston about same age as you. I sorta kinda vaguely remember nuclear warfare discussions one or twice...maybe 2nd grade.

Putin doesn’t care about nuclear treaties. Appearances, making America look foolish, using the void of direction from the west to continue interfere with Eastern Europe, on the other hand, is of great interest to him.

The USA and Russia are essentially economic opponents

what is...”the lamentation of their women’ flavor?

It is! It comes on right after Jeopardy, so I actually literally saw the great plate cover-up gate report!

This is fucking sage.

Relevant data (was difficult to find all the data from a single model Rover esp re msrp and mpg , what I have here is a bit of a mix - however, no data was from diesels or performance models)

I want to see the pic!

well to be fair not much else was dressed either

starts at 0:30, sounds like a very under-his-breath ‘fuck’, followed 2 sec later by ‘waste of my fucking time.’ Doesn’t sound anything like Ryan.