
Watch out for her temper!

yes, exactly like that

Exactly. My first thought.

neat. link to short?

I would add to that: everything I own that is white and doesn’t hold my junk.

No Way. Angels having interspecies sex?? Giants?? OT Bible’s cray. I don’t mind the e-vans prefer the New.

that kid wasn’t black. lol

I too have heard that this is something people tell to other people.

no1 for power of color

Do you think the W3 expansions were an improvement?

give the fox about 3 months...

nice find, but smoker car, rear fender needs replacing and rear axle needs checking for damage. Awesome cars ,but this one def needs inspection. And a dangling wintergreen tree on teh mirror

gtx 1050, not 1070, and I can show you an i5/mitx mobo combo for about $250, but yeah crazy.

That i5 build is about $600 retail off the shelf including Win 10, so $1400 for the case.

other guys are WRONG. Doesn’t use a cable. don’t need one. This ‘pc case’ is so GREAT you just throw shit in a box and it works.

It doesn’t even have an I/O panel! That’s not a PC case, it’s a box with some computer parts thrown in. Since there are no front mounted USB/headphone jacks I can only imagine what a pain it would be to have to swap out cables in those rear slits the box provides. I’m not even sure a DVI plug would fit at all.

wow...they just don’t stop. $10 refund if you use less than 2GB/mo. for their unlimited plans.
