
honestly, it was pretty flawless. Maybe ban?

Most recently, Tmo increased their throttle speed to 512 kbps. That’s a very usable speed. Tmo has been great in coming up with great ways to give the customer more value instead of coming up with great ways to screw them with fees and nickle and diming.

Yup. My character was OP compared to enemies by level....6? and not too hard before that. I like that most enemies pack a reall wallop if they hit you, but you can control the battle so easily with trap, influence, and force blow, and fire.

what the intentions of the Wild Hunt are. Thing is, 90% of players have no idea what their deal is, and the game does a poor job at explaining it. It’s a shame, the story is stellar otherwise

I’ve been playing and that seems accurate. All I can add is that most of your leveling comes from completing quests, no wandering and slaying random vilenesses. Stay focused, always be closing quests.


But who are the voice actors

don’t think that makes sense; you get a star anyway

that thing was seriously cool and had serious engineering. I was really sad it died. When Elio finally evaporates, there will be more moisture in the vapors than my eyes.

price and economy, both of which are fictitious.

from what I’ve read, the Dale was several steps more fantasy than this. But that’s like arguing you’d rather win -$10 than -$100.

I’m reading Atomic Accidents. Really good. One thing that struck me is that we went from eating miracle cure radioactive substances to the first controlled atomic reaction (CP-1 and Dr. Fermi 1942) in under a decade. Talk about strange jumps!

ha, that’s awesome. do you have an article about this?

so young that I didn’t understand English and had to guess my way through the menus so I could finally start a game

Mitsubishi HSR series. can’t choose just one.

Tom Cruise was awesome in Magnolia.

I’m burning through Witcher 3 and Loving it. Instantly one of my favorites. Sad I kept Yen as a gf. What a witch.

remember that thing that the entire first game’s villain was trying to do? well you have no choice but to do that...but this time its not a bad thing cause you can trust the Reapers now, apparently...and it worked out so well for the Illusive Man when you shot him for doing the exact thing you are about to do five

Over the holidays I finished ME3 for a second time (got the original endings first time, revised this time). Man, what a ride. I love the universe they created and the feel of playing in one so well textured and realized- kind of like the original Star Wars. They don’t sit there telling you about everything, they

Not to say that superhero movies are bad, or that they can’t be well written. But I understand what Ridley Scott is saying. “Magical dudes in personalized themed costumes fist-fighting” is a weird thing to anchor multiple blockbusters per year around.