
that would be a very long advertisement.

between the skin tones, funny hats, and odd writing on the radiator, I don't think this is Kansas.

certainly has the simplify part down!

The Island is how I learned who Michael Bay was. You see, I had been looking forward to it and was happy to see Ewen McGreggor and Steven Buschemi on screen. Oh and Scarlet Johansen. And it's a pretty good sci fi movie for the first hour and a half, but then, something happens. The story sort of pauses...and we

What's been forgotten is that the corvair was meant from the start to be a forward looking design to take on the lighter European competition. In exchange from the UK offices, Chevrolette got the Bunny from BBC and Dr. Who.

no, more money beats less money, thanks democracy.

you know what's so sexy? the confidence in his stroke.

alarm system optional.

empty drink bottle on dash, nnaturally.

Seems prudent to ask your client if it would be ok to call attention to the fact that the established auto industry was actively working against any added competition. Nissan may not be worried about losing customers to Tesla, but still.

Porsche smart, make it go. Porsche strong.

ooo lala, yeah, that's hot, baby!

well, your comment is invalid, because there's some weird little ' hovering over your "a."

someone, please help me!

i see what you done


man it really is! you can actually get the soundtrack on the game's website, too.

not every damn article needs a damn gif.

oh no the cow got knocked up!