
Yes! Also, Wade freezing himself, then periodically thawing to check that things are moving along, immediately made me think of the Silo series of books as well.

Another entire article about this beverage and not a single mention of the Guarana that is on the ingredient list. Guarana hits harder and lasts longer than typical caffeine. And when they are bolted on to each other in as single beverage, its effects are way more potent.

Ok I read the first book in the series and watched the other Chinese adaptation, how well does the Netflix series follow the book? My concern when I first saw that Netflix was adapting the work is that it would be “westernized” in a way that takes away from the story. AKA hand wavey about the Great Leap Forward, light

The book, The Redemption of Time, reveals the appearance of the Trisolarians. It wasn't written by Liu Cixin though. It is fanfiction published by the original trilogy publisher.  Personally...I'm still not sure if I like it or not, and I would prefer that the San-Ti's appearance be a mystery in the series.

my question is how the fuck did benioff and weiss get the rights to adapt this? because this was almost as much of a trashfire as Game of Thrones post-season 3.

I’d think Ho Hos or Suzy Qs.

Geez, he’s giving an example to a serious personal problem with a close family member. Give him a break.

TikTok right now

pretty sure the makers of romance novels, comic books and RPGs weren’t hiring teams of psychologists, statisticians and programmers to actively and deliberately ensure their product was metaphorically heroin...

40% of children between the ages of 9-12 use Instagram daily

The benefit of the stainless steel tumbler is that metal keeps cold water cold for much longer periods of time

Those seem more like a wish list from their suppliers than a customer-driven list. 

Well, the battery farm system is still a ‘farm’ system - and someone assuming something is ‘fresh’ simply because it came from a farm is really inventing an entire storyline out of a marketing tag.

Actors have not reached a deal, writers have. So yeah, studios don’t even have schedules to announced because they’d be bullshit. 

Yea, they aren’t exactly known for the crack policing of themselves already. Doesn’t exactly bode well for whatever fits in their wheelhouse of trust.

i remember the 90s when comics started getting crazy with alternative covers and all that crap and the market was just flooded. That’s where we are now with streaming and all these shows and movies. It’s just too much.

Once Hollywood figures out that themultiverse” is the 2020s version of “clone sagas”, they’ll hopefully course correct and give us smaller scale stories and better writing with definite consequence.

In contrast, at DragonCon’s Star Trek: Strange New World panel, the moderator gave the actors an opportunity to speak about the strike. Anson Mount spoke eloquently and at length about the strike and the issues at hand.

Follow Lucy’s journey in real-0time with NASA’s Eyes https://eyes.nasa.gov/apps/solar-system/#/sc_lucy/events/lucy_dinkinesh_flyby?time=2023-11-01T16:54:45.000+00:00