
The show is not gonna get any more original and creative than picking a topic TNG made jokes about 25 years ago, is it?

I don’t know about you, but when I was a kid I was absolutely obsessed with global trade politics! I would watch C-SPAN nightly after watching The Goonies.

I'm kind of amazed that people are just taking Trank's word on this. 

I trust Rob Liefeld’s knowledge of the inner workings of Marvel Studios about as much as I would trust Rob Liefeld to draw accurate and proportional feet.

I’m going to emphatically disagree. He’s got phenomenal comedic timing and his roles in both Ragnarok and The Mandalorian were fucking perfect. He manages to blend comedic timing with seamless flow unlike nearly any other person out there.

She suffered not for doing what was right but for doing what was right THE WRONG WAY.

She is a criminal.


I mean both Thor's mother and Stark's father are driving forces for the characters pathos and are instructive to their mindset/emotions in the movie but go off I guess

Bravo, Mr. Bricken. Who’s responsible this?!

I went off on a TSA agent for threatening to make me walk outside and throw away my multi-use water bottle all because it barely had more than the 3.4fl oz limit. She wouldn’t let me just take a small swig of it nor was I allowed to just dump it out into the trash can, since it was clearly an accident seeing how

That always stood out as the much higher brow episode than the rest. 

Wow you are right about the Scooby Do-ness. I remember as a kid really enjoying the episodes at the psychic institute and the UFO institute. 

ISTR that Sprint thought that somehow it’d merge the two networks, even though they used vastly different technologies (PCS v iDEN). Prior to the merger, Nextel was never the biggest but they were widely admired for both technology and service. (And for a time, their PTT was a killer app.)

If you’re interested, I work in web compliance, and the Domino’s website accessibility case is more complicated than “Big pizza corporation says screw the handicapped.”

In related news, Christopher Lloyd states that he “likes money”.

I always thought of it as Obiwan taunting Vader by calling him Darth.

Oh, thank god. I had to scroll down a disturbing amount before I found someone who also realized this is loser revenge fantasy bullshit.

Everything about this story is terrible.