
“Cynthia used to drink Slurm...”

Wacky races drivers Penelope Pitstop and Dick Dastardly are holding out for better contracts.

Dear Kroger,

An argument could be made that had that “usual politics bullshit” been followed, the result might have been at least a profitable movie. In any event, I doubt anyone is going to strong arm their way through the process in the near future.

YUM brands needs to fix KFC.  Every time I’ve had KFC chicken since the pandemic it has been small pieces of dried out chicken.  Every other fast food chicken brand has bigger and tastier chicken and doesn’t leave a dead, metallic taste in my mouth like KFC does.

I’m holding off on canceling D+ until I see Mando and Bad Batch season 2.  I hope Disney delivers the goods.

Dieties and Demigods, the one that included the Cthulhu Mythos

There once was a place in Oklahoma City called Crystal’s Pizza.  I remember the whole place being stacked with faux antiques and statues and greenery.  And the pizza was fantastic.  Years later most of the cool kitschy decor had been dismantled and the pizza was a shadow of its former glory.

Pretty sure several of these were given negative reviews here, but somehow still ended up on the “best of” list.

I read “contacted by the Food Network while she was cooking under Wolfgang Puck” and immediately wondered why she would be considered a child of nepotism.  

Is it still being made there? Last I heard they lost a lawsuit and had to drop the product.

They get a lot of unearned credit by piling six pounds of limp fries in your bag.

My mama used to serve those maybe three times a year and I remember it as if we were being given a rare treat. Chances are the real reason was because they were cheap and we were broke.

Taco Bueno (mostly located in TX and OK) usually offer a tamale platter around this time of year.  I used to order them sometimes.

Great.  Now you have me craving Hormel Tamales in a can.

I liked volume 2 at least as much as the first one. If vol 2 comes on television I usually watch it. I can’t say that for the first one.

In the 80s there was a whole “thing” where you could get enormous blocks of government surplus cheese and/or butter for low low prices or for free.

I remember being warned, just before Superb Owl Sunday, mind you, that there would be major shortages of Velveeta cheese. Of course that would be a devastating blow to half-time snacks tables all over the USA. Later that same week, I visited a Wal-Mart and spotted a five-foot tall pallet display of Velveeta. Now I’m

Yet ice cream floats are delightful.  This just seems like a scaled down float.

I know, right? “Indiana Jones and the Holocron of the Sith” was right there!