
Prediction: They’re going to use this occasion to reset customer expectations and limit the crazy add-ons some customers demand.  The insane 6 pumps of this and 8 spoons of that and six shots of another drinks will no longer be an option.

It’s worth it.  If there were a Hardee’s within ten miles of me I’d make the trip twice a week at least.

Hardees/Carl’s Jr used to serve a pork chop biscuit with gravy that was OK. Would have been better with more gravy ad served as an entree instead of a sandwich.

Pointless speculation, I know... But what if Caulfield’s character will become an MCU villain in a future movie or second season of WV?  After being separated from her child and mind-controlled her rage and lust for vengeance leads her to learn a different kind of magic, she breaks the hex on Agatha, and they team up

My take on Wendy’s in general is that they have occasional strokes of conceptual genius that they proceed to ruin in execution. I remember a pretzel bun burger with artisan cheese high-end bacon, and microgreens. I had one and was hooked. The next time I ordered the same burger they had ditched the pretzel bun for a


I used to buy unfiltered Camels for my dad at the corner store.  My only worry was did he give me enough money.

“I don’t have kids because it turns out I never got pregnant.”

I ordered the Constatinople steak. They brought out the Istanbul cut instead.

My question is simply this. If she had that maneuver up her sleeve the whole time, why did she sit there and watch as transport after transport was blasted into crumbs, and only act when most of her companions were already dead?

I’ll never get the vitriol spewed at BBT by the nerd community. I watch the show. The characters are well-developed, and not at all one-dimensional. While the show is beginning to show it’s age, it never struck me as an offensive take on nerd culture.

Next week: Nicki Minaj accuses Nicki Minaj of making unwelcome sexual advances. Nicki Minaj refuses comment.

Beth, are you upset that the company markets different products to men versus women? That seems pretty silly to me. I’m sure I can find examples of other companies that market different products for men and for women. So why be upset about Coke?

You’re actually wrong about none of the early prints ever having been reprinted until after the artist’s death. On my weekly trips to the local library with my mom in the 1970s I would, without fail, check out any of a number of “Peanuts” collections that included many, if not all, of those early strips.

Maybe the car’s are the way they are because it’s how small children play with and think about toy cars.

Do you remember their program editing program? You had to code in the editor, then enter thousands of strings of 3 digit numbers correctly to install whatever program they were offering that month. Any single error meant none of it would “compile” and you had to scan all one zillion numbers from the magazine to

In a fictional universe where tiny sentient beings are a possibility, the holograms are blurry and distorted because we, the audience, needs a visual cue that it is a projection instead of a physical presence.

I disagree. I like the idea that even a monster can feel regret and that even a villain can be redeemed.

Yeah I stopped reading at “most of the Star Wars movies are bad.”

Ugh. Pamphlet Christians...