
“I don’t have kids because it turns out I never got pregnant.”

I saw a video and some still shots that showed how the characters had been updated. The lines are a little less rounded, sharper. The look is updated but familiar. Still, it is... different for those of us who are old.

The social media gag hits me where I live.

Did they murder She-Ra?

As a child I was mildly obsessed with the Peanuts strips. I would bring home a different collection from the library every time my mom and I went. The question I ask myself is: Did I identify with Charlie Brown because I was an insecure, anxious child? Or was I an insecure, anxious child because I read Charlie Brown

I ordered the Constatinople steak. They brought out the Istanbul cut instead.

Were they amusing to you?!  Did they make you laugh??

OK, Rob.  Now do one for weird, but creepy-cuddly Sith Lords.

I believe the original Battlestar Galactica them made a brief appearance on the Edward James Olmos Galactica bridge.

Sort of like when the revived Montgomery Scott asks Geordi how much time a repair “is really going to take” and gets super agitated when Geordi lets him know he does not pad his repair estimates.

Then why are the gift shops always out of the novelty “Björk” license plates?

Oh Shazbot.

It’s exactly the sort of thing Bricken wrote when he was running the old Topless Robot.  In fact, I’m not sure he’s not just recycling old articles at this point.

Is this list recycled from the old Topless Robot days? God I wish you’d start something like that again.

So... they’re remaking The A Team?

Howling Mad Murdock was a great officer and a fine human being.

E.T is number one?  Whose responsible this?!

Try Alpaca lips.

I’m okay with this as long as it doesn’t turn out that Grandpa “Shiv” Palpatine isn’t pulling strings behind the scenes so that 200 years in the future his grandchild can overthrow their republic and install himself as emperor.

Am I the only one annoyed by the term “symbology?” Does the word “semiotics “ not cover the idea?