
I would’ve put Topless Robot on there at 99. For old times sake.

That’s actually a fairly common thing they do. Heck, Music Jail changes into a whole different song.

Now playing

Power Rangers: The Movie gave us an awesome TMBG song in the soundtrack. For that I shall always be grateful.

So... not Cthulhu then?

I came here specifically to make a case for a reboot of Land of the Lost.

Why do my eyes see a giant Dalek in the background of that Moulin Rouge poster?

Resistance sounds like the title of a series based in the current iteration of the Star Wars Universe. They basically set up a scenario where there are just 8 resistance members left. There’ll need to be an explanation about how they start to rebuild their ranks.

Porg: The other Other White Meat.

ho ho ho

My question is simply this. If she had that maneuver up her sleeve the whole time, why did she sit there and watch as transport after transport was blasted into crumbs, and only act when most of her companions were already dead?

My theory was that she was a deep cover resistance agent. I guess that’s not a possibility any more.

...with mint frosting.

I’m just stuck on the assertion that “now” there is a chance to tell a character-driven, story with a “sensation of hope and happiness”. When wasn’t there a chance to tell that kind of story?

I’ll never get the vitriol spewed at BBT by the nerd community. I watch the show. The characters are well-developed, and not at all one-dimensional. While the show is beginning to show it’s age, it never struck me as an offensive take on nerd culture.

I’ll see it twice. Once on your behalf.

Next week: Nicki Minaj accuses Nicki Minaj of making unwelcome sexual advances. Nicki Minaj refuses comment.

They’ll have a terrifying ghostly encounter with Kylo Ren. They’ll defeat the spectre, but his mask will explode and reveal it’s really Harrison Ford underneath.

There can be only one...

Nope. That’s not it.

I’m more excited for Thor than I am for Star Wars. Is something wrong with me, or is something wrong with Star Wars?