
Spiking the football. Rubbing it in the face of the BM v SM crowd.

I’d just like to point out that we’ve been hearing this comparison since at least the time of Tim Burton’s Batman. While the genre will probably lose it’s luster eventually, there is no reason to think that day is imminent.

Yeah, condemning you for that statement seems like a bit of overkill. Bringing up sexual orientation when there is no story-related reason to do so would just seem like sloppy writing.

Can you fix it so my comments on other, <ahem> NON-io9 areas of this website don’t show up as phantom text? If not, then what good are you?

Wasn’t there a gay Hut character in The Clone Wars movie?

Sting in a Space Diaper is one of the all-time best images that exists.

Fair enough. I never studied Latin.

I thought Dne had a reasonably well-received mini series treatment on SYFY already. Or has the opinion turned against that one?

Bacillus ex machina?

And it's never gonna give you up and desert you.

When the car breaks down, you’ll need an appointment at an Apple Store. You’ll wait three hours and find out the failure is due to “user damage” and not covered under the warranty.

This just in: James Cameron intends to film four crappy movies instead of one mediocre one.

The answer is yes. and yes.

Apparently the Force does not use a condom.

I would like to count money. Where can I submit a resume?

I remember thinking that the point of Breakfast Club was that they all felt isolated and alone regardless of their social stations at school. That they all came to recognize each other as equals, even though they all knew that come Monday they would all rejoin their places in the high school pecking order.

I liked both Thor movies. Iron Man 2 was meh.

Thanks. I was expecting to be told I am worse than Hitler.

I Like Big Bang Theory and I will not let anyone allow me to feel shamed about that.

Really, really disappointed that the airlock scene from the original BBC Hitchhiker’s Guide series is not included.