
Still drawing these damned aliens. Although I have been on a bit of a Sleestak side track of late.

Not buying it. I see the term “deep south” and I understand it as more of a cultural designation than a geographic one.

Oklahoma is “the deep south”?

I wouldn’t mind seeing a Johnny Quest movie that feels like it lives in the same universe as The Incredibles.

mmm... ideal pizza...

It is known.

I’m getting more of a Carmen Sandiego vibe.

Reminds me of something...

Way to report week-old news, guys.

When the “are you scolding me?” scene happened I remarked that the scene was obligatory in a CBS procedural and predicted that in twenty give minutes the scolded and the scolder would have the “mutual respect, we’re going to get along fine” conversation.

I fail to understand how allowing government to forbid certain kinds if speech is less barbaric than requiring goverment to stay out of it.

So Starz is optioning a new season of Fringe?

Puzzling quote is Puzzling. Camille says the new movie is “an introduction to the character” that has been in the pop culture realm for, what, seventy years?

There’s a Willy Wonka as the Wizard of Oz vibe here. I’m not complaining.

He looks like Martin Freeman.

Sounds like a hilarious new sitcom starring Ray Romano.


Now I know what stormtroopers outfit gussets are made of. Thanks io9!

I still like Burton's Batman movies.

Mythos sounds a little like American Gods.