
I am a) old and b) incredibly cheap. I don't pay for cable and hence do not have a DVR. It's not an option I would care to pursue in any event. I know too many people with DVRs full of programs they'll never get around to seeing.

I'm lazy and damn proud of it. NdGT's smart. He's popular. I admire him. But he isn't a god.

Agreed. NdGT and Cosmos are a known commodity. This show is...who knows?

This isn't exactly new. I seem to remember one of the networks running a version of the movie with this deleted scene restored and advertising it as such.

I'm curious. Is that dog helping or is it humping?

You thought the Reagan years were about paranoia and fear?

I'm doing my best to register Texas for They Might Be Guants, but so far, no luck.

To be honest, a commenter at toplessrobot.com noticed it first.

That's most likely he statue at the New York casino in Vegas. Check the background with roller coaster and mountains.

Not yet. I'll be on the lookout.

Also making home-made "gourmet" pizzas.

Also purchasing and drinking beer based solely on how much I like the labels. And blogging about it in a completely amateur way.

Alien Robocop.

looks a bit like a flying squirrel to me. I like it.

Whatever. To me it just makes it look unfinished and maybe the artist just doesn't think he can duplicate the original faces. Or he's worried about copyright. I'm not a fan of these.

Is there are reason none of them has a face? Because it's creepy?

Loved that show and, if I recall, about the time they introduced the devil they also made us question the whole concept by giving Joan a brain tumor that (might have) made her hallucinate.

Can we send it to Hoth?

I would watch.

about Star Wars. I have a bad feeling that Star Wars VII is going to be a time-travel clusterf*** reboot a la Abrams Star Trek.