
"eau de Shat."


You still haven't described a death scene that would have worked better.

So what would you have preferred? An "avenge me" speech?
Should she have confessed that she didn't really like the kid that much anyway?

I really thought it would be Shaw.

Being alleged to have branded a student is not the same as having been proven to have branded a student.

At no point did I suggest that men "deserve" half-naked dancing girls, nor did I suggest that I think women exist for the pleasure of men.

so let's widen our parameters a bit. Let's look at music videos.

I'll hazard a guess. In the Star Wars universe, the best-selling line of astromech droids were the R2 models.

Skimpy outfits on women as opposed to what Conan the Barbarian wore? Or what John Carter of Mars wore? Or what any of The 300 wore? Or what He-Man wore?

I remember they put her in Victorian clothes in The Talons of Weng Chiang. But in a world of wacky costumes, I still don't think hers was in any way wackier than the ones around her.

Wouldn't it have been weirder if she were suddenly wearing Romana's full-length gowns?

how? Isn't this Leela from Doctor Who? She was a warrior of the seboteem (or wwhatver) and was basically a proto-Zena Warrior Princess.

But this is Future olive Oil, which is genetically modified to never spoil.

But didn't Peter Davison's doctor conspicuously unravel Baker's scarf while he was disoriented from the regeneration process and lost inside the TARDIS? That would mean that thus scarf is already a replica/fake .

Life is unfair...

Looks like a Palm Centro. If so, then the baby's fine.

Look at me. I'm Daaaancin'