
Of course any big name actor can deny "auditioning" for a big role.

Spotted this at a booth at our local comic con.

NBC you say?

The myth hardly just "popped up." John Keel wrote The Mothman Prophecies and specifically tied the disaster to a series of monster sightings and UFO reports he'd been investigating.

'Cause it's gonna be the future soon
And I won't always be this way
When the things that make me weak and strange get engineered away
It's gonna be the future soon
I've never seen it quite so clear
And when my heart is breaking I can close my eyes and it's already here

"'Cause it's gonna be the future soon
And I won't always be this way
When the things that make me weak and strange get engineered away
It's gonna be the future soon
I've never seen it quite so clear
And when my heart is breaking I can close my eyes and it's already here"

That justice-loving sidekick of whom you speak is going to turn out to have been planted as her partner by HR.

I read the title differently. The movie isn't about the return of (a) Jedi. It is about the return of (the) Jedi as a power in the galaxy.

Luke doesn't return as a Jedi. He IS the return of the Jedi...

I was thinking along those lines. She gets to mediate the conflict between the two leads and gets to serve as a tacked-on love interest for Bats.

The only problem I can see with that kind of strategy is that if any movie in the sequence fails to live up to it's box office expectations, then the whole series goes on the chopping block. (Or worse, gets meddled with until unrecognizable.)

Brokeback Gotham.

Are you "just a person on the Internet?"

Everyone helping themachine is a criminal to one extent of another.

She thought of the machine as like a god already. Didn't she tell Harold "Time to meet God" in the season finale last year?

It's absolutely better if you can find a copy with original jacket art. The ink-blot inspired covers don't do it for me.

