
Would have worked better as "we're gonna need a bigger robot."

I'd totally read that. Cast Wonder Woman as Octomom. It's brilliant.

Nice. A simple "you dreamed it" would suffice.

I'm thinking that medium budget either fails (Dredd) or gets produced in series form on pay cable (GOT).

Then shame on them for agreeing to the contracts, then. And good on them for negotiating tougher this time around. Sorry, I'm not seeing any villains here.

I'm staying tuned on that one.

I'm not sure I understand the "they were underpaid" sentiment. They were paid the exact amount that they and their agents negotiated for them. I'm sure that even though Marvel and co. were all hoping for a breakout hit, that no one anticipated the box office that it earned. I recall a lot of early speculation that

This seems as good a place to post this as anywhere, so maybe someone can help.

Wildlings, Kaiju, same difference...

I think that plenty of people realize how stupid the plot for STID is.

OK smartypants. So who are you going to get to play Welshie?

And we get a crossover adventure with Clobberella and Captain Yesterday.

Naw. Godzilla destroys the house of a bumbling father, his overbearing wife and their three troublesome boys, one of whom is a genius.

I was going to note that at least one of these entries reminds name of Iron Chef. It's odd that Japan seems to want to frame everything as a duel.

Yeah, about that... Does anyone who speaks Russian want to caption that video or write up a transcript? To western ears it just sounds like air traffic banter.

Am I the only one old enough to notice this comparison?


Aw hell! someone's on my lawn?!?

Bah. The worst dust storm I ever saw was when I was a young boy in Oklahoma 30+ years ago. The sky was orange with the dust, and cars would be covered in mud when it finally did rain. we were told that it was the onset of a second dust bowl.