
Those sound like fine options to me. Either we get a short, potentially brilliant piece of entertainment to love/bemoan or we get a pretty good long-running genre show in a television environment dominated by boring procedural dramas.

Amazingly hot and creepy.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who saw that.

Science has no position on religion, but many scientists are openly hostile to religion in general. I grant that there are religious types who are patently anti-science as well, but the animosity seems, to me, to be coming mostly from the science side of the aisle.

Analee, I want to thank you for featuring this show. It's one of the smartest science-fiction shows ever produced, yet it gets little coverage among the blogs.

Can I use this one?

this image copyright Thundarr the Barbarian.

Isn't this the very same sentiment lauded by the "keep calm and carry on" crowd?

Bah. Kirk would side with whichever faction had the hot young woman he'd met earlier in the episode.

When 2000 years old you reach, look as good you will not.

But can I get a copy of the deities and Demigods book with the Cthulhu mythos?

Interesting that he vex claims "YES!" When the robot works. I did not know that word got mixed in That way.

I, for one. always see the double EE as a hard E. Perhaps Martin could have taken that into account when he made the word up.

Would a Super Terrific Japanese Thing by any other name be just as strange and unsettling?

Interesting that you saw a two line throwaway comment as a personal attack.

An item for people who don't mind stashing a lifeless body in their own beds.

You don't read much then, do you?

To be fair, the only people I've ever known that watched the 700 club were elderly folks anyway. They already don't understand youth culture and a truly frightened by it.

Kneel before Lod.

Polk like boobs.