
The top image with the salvage yard in the background. Is that one located in or near Rockwall, TX? I used to drive by a house like that. I secretly wanted to own it.

Seems familiar...

You're making assumptions. I live in a small studio apartment. I said that I find these images depressing. You seem to view that as a personal attack.

I didn't say scary. I said depressing. If you're not a little off-put by the idea of 20,000 people crammed like sardines into tiny apartments, then good for you.

Do you think it would feel "less crowded " if you lived in unit 13765 with twenty thousand of your closest friends?

Sorry, Charlie. Didn't mean to double post this.

Holy Crap. That is the most depressing thing I've seen today.

Holy crap. That is one of the most depressing things I've ever seen.

To be fair, I doubt Rob's scrotum has feet.

You ain't seen nuthin' yet. At his old place, Rob had an entire archive of articles tagged "ET is Fucking Terrifying."

Mom, was I adopted?

I presume that Elias is a big enough bad guy that he can get custom chess pieces sent to him from outside. I mean, what prison offers chess as part of their visitation schedule?

There were a couple of images showing large areas of "blank" data, usually with a red border. I wonder if someone hasn't already used the virus to blind bits of the machine.

Pardon me. I have to go set up a technology company called Rl'yehtech.

What the Hell, Rob?

I sense much anger in you.



I so wanted to love Sky Captain. I believe I dozed off in the middle, though. I recently saw part of it on one of those all-reruns channels and didn't even recognize the plot.

Agreed. The internal monologues used to "explain" the plot make it next to unbearable, at least to me.