
Why? Are you presuming that black people aren't contributing to the search totals? Surely it isn't pervy racist southern whites exclusively searching for porn there...

I concur. The slave outfit was sexy, but leia herself, not so much.

Odd that, because I work for a company owned and staffed largely by people from India. The term "uncle" is used in the company to refer to any man who is considered an elder, but is not in a position of power over you.

if that were true, wouldn't we already have the last two books?

I read something about this a while back. Seems Martin gave the show's producers the overall outline of the conclusion of the series in case HE DIES before finishing the books.

just imagine it's a gnarly, unwashed gym shirt. It basically stands up on it's own.

Destroying a cat's internal gyroscope, blindfolding it, and then dropping it on it's head?

I agree with Ashisyou. Your comment is trollbait.

I fear you'll just be trading one logistical nightmare for another. I seriously doubt most criminals are going to be diligent about stay inside their "fence," being home by curfew, or taking self-administered sobriety tests.

First thing I thought was "I will take what is mine with Fire and Blood."

really? I thought Deja Thoris was frakkin' hot. This picture leaves me somewhat more neutral.

Rape is rape. Hate sex is where two people channel their mutual rage into a quasi-violent sexual encounter.

Looks like an episode of Star Blazers.

I like the Deep Thought animation in that it makes you wait for the payoff.

You remember it differently from me then, because I remember fairly blatant references to Pepsi products and Burger King in Back to the Future, way back in 1985.

Maybe the path to the furthest reaches of our understanding goes through some cool snowmobile chases involving guys with guns. I'd watch that.

"in his house at R'lyeh, Dead Cthulhu has some tacky furnishings."

But isn't that the point? People will tune in specifically to find out the details of Coulson's survival/ continued existence. Why would they spoil that ahead of the premiere?

I like to think of it as "How I Avenged Your Mother"

I'm not fussing.