
Rens Flaire?

that would be cool, especially if he had idolized his other grandparent

I will throw so much money at this film. I’d double it if the Knights of Ren turn out to be a rad girl gang but I can recognize a pipe dream when I have one. But so much money.

Needs more Stacker.

Dammit DC. Reset the clock.

Because paying $60,000 or whatever for a tarted up B-class is totally reasonable.

Personally I don’t think “treat your most enthusiastic customers like crap until they actually take delivery of the car” is a great customer service policy.

OK then

Glad the driver is okay. Bring on the Koenigsegg Two:2.

His clone probably wrecked him.

Now playing

This dude (which I believe is the actual Doctor Who) showed it was possible without CG a long time ago. He recently finished his version 3:

Technology? I was hoping BB-8 was actually just...


2, 3, 23. 23!

Kubrick is still alive and he’s been working on this since he faked his death in 1999.


I refuse to believe this totally correct answer.

At the Rebels panel, Filoni confirmed that the Ysalmiri won’t be joining Thrawn in the new canon. According to him (and George Lucas), the idea of a sentient creature that is capable of neutering the Force is too much at odds with the idea of the Force as a biological energy that connects all living things. The

I just noticed.... are those ysalimiri behind Thrawn? That would be a big re-add to the canon, too.

All summer long we’ve been hearing that a less than $50 million opening weekend equals failure... until now. Hollywood accounting- I just don’t get it....