
They’ve set Alan Moore’s words to music?

They only turn red after you boil them.

A blue-grey Mon Calimari?

How did I miss that?!

Holy moly! Wasn’t expecting something so large!!

Once I found it, it was so obvious I can’t believe I didn’t see it right off.

I have a Xenomorph playing drums for White Snake on a stage pulled by a Cobra HISS Tank that will knock his MFing socks off.

You should lend Michael Bay more stuff.

Because someone was looking at my 4th grade notebook doodles, and realized they were motherfucking awesome?

They probably make more on selling CAFE credits than selling the cars, so it’d make taking a loss worth it if they can get more credits to sell to FCA.

Maybe the Model X missed sales targets because it looks like a Prius, a Ford Edge, and a Model S had a coke-fueled orgy that resulted in this ugly shame baby.

I wonder how long it will be before the aftermarket finds a way to hack into the potential of the 60's and render the 75's useless.

“Hulk of the Future”

DC rebirth is actually really good. It’s well written by writers who seem to actually like the characters and it’s introducing diversity by actually creating new and inventive characters.

I think I read it over on CBR, but someone posted a fun idea that the entire series is one long “bad future vision” we’re seeing. Kind of like the dream season of Dallas. :p

Well we already have Kid Hulk Amadeus Cho, I await the appearance of Cyber-Hulk, Hulk of The Future, and Armor-clad African-American Hulk.

Cheap dramatic effect? Who, me?

Killing Bruce Banner sounds like a solid reason for the Hulk going full rage-mode on his former allies...

Wait... Aren't they like... Violent little stone age tribesmen? I dunno that I'm more astonished at how fast they've adapted to their place in galactic society, or that they have concepts for "therapy" and "volunteer work".

Bet you 500 credits that a certain pirate named Hondo now has a Super Star Destroyer to his name.