The “new” millennium is looking rather old and shabby already, 18 years in.
The “new” millennium is looking rather old and shabby already, 18 years in.
Um Modusoperandi is a Poe Troll. He is making fun of conservative fuckwits by being both extremist and indistinguishable to them.
I mean, on the one hand, Mr. Simon wrote some unkindly things to those people.
Fuck that.
I can’t wait to see what the sundry tenant farmers living on the pairs vast estates will give them to curry their favor. Rumors are rife among the kitchen staff and downstairs help.
Frankly I think that there needs to be some form of regulation that would require social media sites like Twitter to enforce their own policies and remove bigots and trolls rather than cater to their every whim and ban anyone who calls out their defense of bigots. I mean, you can’t pick in choose who is and isn’t…
“Lying fuckmooks” + “beshitted hypocrites” = David Simon is a treasure.
It’s incivility like his that is so terribly dividing this country. Compared to this, all the terrible things that President Trump and his administration are doing is a minor piffle.
I’d never use the word, because it’s unnecessary and I’m aware of the offence it might cause, but it’s a sad world we now live in where simply saying a similar-sounding word that has nothing to do with an offensive racist epithet is considered a big no-no.
It’s because white people cant handle when something isn’t for them. Similiar concept with men losing their damn minds when Wonder Woman had a ladies showing.
But what if you’re reading Huckleberry Finn in class and the teacher chooses you to read the next page to the class outloud, and she’s a real hardass, that Ms. McClatchy, no wonder she’s divorced!
He was the Chief Communications Officer, for fuck’s sake. How do you get to that position without knowing that you should never say the n-word? Oh wait, I remember, society is a fucking shitshow.
We should forward this to Quentin Tarantino.
I am endlessly baffled as to how white people cannot adapt to this concept. It’s so simple; yet the lack of adherence speaks to the disturbing realities of many people’s POV. Then the language spreads in a way that people use as a normalizing effect - which is exponentially worsened by the tendencies towards meme…
Just....... just don’t use that word if you’re white. Don’t do it. Unless you’re in a movie and that’s what the script is making you do and there’s a reason for it (other than shitty writing/shock value)..... Don’t use it.
This can’t be that hard.
This is one of the reasons I stay at my job. The pay or benefits aren’t the greatest, but I have a bit of freedom to be a bit late or leave early (within reason) and am not micromanaged or getting my balls busted over petty shit.
Probably shouldn’t extrapolate too much from one story but: My work habits would probably get me executed in Japan.
Stroopwafels, for the uninitiated, are adorable filled wafer discs from Denmark.
Even though parents do put their kids on leashes all the time, there’s no justification for putting children in cages.
Clinton did this