
Best advice I got (at a Magic The Gathering shop of all places) back as a teenager was simple - Make fun of people for the things they do not they things they are

Yeah--it’s like how we were supposed to feel about Archie Bunker. You weren’t supposed to agree with him. You were supposed to understand “don’t do what this person does; he’s a buffoon.”

this season is great. All seasons are great. some are greater than others but I have yet to see a Sunny episode that I didn’t like. 

“In the closet, out of the closet, we don’t like you either way.”

They don’t mock Mac for being gay. They mock Mac for being Mac.

I mean...in just one episode they had characters doing blackface (or brownface considering it was supposed to be latina) and offensive Asian makeup/fake teeth stereotypes. And they got away with it/didn’t get canceled or anything BECAUSE of the context and how they point out how bad it is and it’s assholes who are

The whole “implication” scene works because they aren’t really making a joke about rape; the joke is purely on Dennis, and Mac’s reaction to it.

That entire series is Exhibit A for how full of shit the Todd Phillips of the world are. Longest running comedy in TV history and it’s nothing but absolutely repugnant vile filth. I love it.

Yep - I point to this show anytime someone tells me I just don’t “get it” with “edgy comedy”. Always Sunny is hilarious because it’s smart, all-inclusive in its mockery and definitely not punching down. The creators of the show know the gang is better than exactly NO ONE, and they always prove it. Insult comedians

I haven’t seen any of It’s Always Sunny... this season, but I thought last season’s “Times Up for the Gang” and “The Gang Solves the Bathroom Problem” showed how you can get a lot of laughs out of “woke culture” without being straight up alt-right assholes about it.

“Violet, I wouldn’t eat that gum.  It has strontium-90 in it.”

Or maybe a friendly man in a top hat and purple coat could come out, admit five lucky people, and subject each to a horrific fate as a lesson to others who would see to enter Area 51 who aren’t pure of heart.

That would actually be meaningful and helpful.

Or at least grounded.

Oh please. The majority of these people can’t even change a tire. Do you really think they’re going to storm a military base?

People who actually run like this should be beaten.

Hey, bright side, kids - getting plugged in the back of the head by an AR-15 from a hundred yards out while you’re busy getting one for the ‘gram is a great way to get out of a student loan. I might just try it myself.

Not sure the memes would be as dank for that, bruh.

I was kinda hoping we’d storm the massive immigration detention centers where children are being held in cages instead, but sure, this is fine.

I would think there’s something that could stop a couple hundred people without lethal force.

These guys had a perfectly nice little meme going and had to ruin it by bringing in some insufferable anime bullshit.