A few powerless, anonymous people she will never meet thinking she's garbage are not "social repercussions." Hell, that's standard "being a celebrity on the internet" even for far better people than her.
A few powerless, anonymous people she will never meet thinking she's garbage are not "social repercussions." Hell, that's standard "being a celebrity on the internet" even for far better people than her.
Hahahahahahahaha! No. Unless you mean “her friends will know how dumb her kid is,” she won't even face any social repercussions.
Does Wakanda have fjords? 'Cause he's pining for them.
Not really sure anyone with taste would call Billy Ray Cyrus a country music "legend," but I suppose it's a nice gesture anyway.
Have you even heard any country in the past 15 years? NONE of that shit bears any resemblance to real country, so I am not sure what point you think you’re making.
(Responding to your comment about Missoula drivers being able to handle anything, just in case this comment gets sorted weird, as Kinja is inclined to do...)
Glad you pointed out that you stopped in Sheridan for the night. The stretch around Buffalo is one of the worst roads in the world during a blizzard... or even a light flurry. Pretty much any weather colder than “bright, sunny day,” really.
Isn’t the portion size the main point of the kiddie menu? If someone wants to order a small portion, who cares what age they are.
Well, considering that you claim Louis CK only jacked off in front of women who consented, you apparently know even less. So you can fuck right off out of here with your fake concern.
Holy shit! You’re not even consistent in your shitty takes, except that they’re uniformly shitty. CK absolutely DID jack of in front of several women who didn’t give explicit consent. But hey, thanks for letting us know you don’t actually care about sexual assault and are just wanting to pile on someone you don’t…
Since you mention Pratchett collaborations, I highly recommend not reading the Long Earth books he allegedly wrote with Stephen Baxter. I can’t detect even the faintest whiff of Pratchett’s input to the books, and they are the most poorly plotted books I’ve ever encountered. The first book is literally 450+ pages of…
I’m a huge Gaiman fan, and American Gods is by far my least favorite of his works.
Ummm, that’s not what “agnostic” means. Not even by a stretch of the lesser definitions.
It’s actually a very good analogy. It’s just that too many people expect analogies to be perfect, which they never will be.
So calling you a fucking ignorant dipshit because you think that Ms. Argento’s sins mean she was never raped herself is now defending her? If it’s true she raped this kid (and it probably is), she can take a flying fuck into a meat processor; but I’ll still wish the same fate on Harvey Weinstein for what he did to…
Interesting and a little bit sad. Considering how many of the comedians and comedic actors working today probably wouldn’t be where they are now without him, it’s a crying shame, really.
Oh? Well, hand-wringing over cussing is pretty much a universal indicator that you’re a piece of shit. Fuck off, douchebro. Go clutch your pearls at an MRA convention.
I’d just like to point out that Kristen Bell may be the first woman over 25 to play a woman under 40 in the history of Hollywood.
And you’ve apparently read infinitely less than you need to, because you’re a fucking ignorant piece of shit.
The idea that child sex offenders are specifically targeted in prison is actually a myth. If this guy is being targeted, I guarantee it has more to do with his high profile and the fact that he looks weak than his actual crimes.