
I think there’s room for doubt. Essentially, there’s enough ambiguity in his post that I wouldn’t call him out for it, but neither would I upvote it. If I had more familiarity with his posting history, enough to know whether he’s a decent guy or a prick, I’d make that call one way or the other.  I don’t, though, so I

...oooorrrr, he’s pointing out the sad truth that as far as society has progressed (hahahahahaahahahaaha*sob*), women are still valued more for their looks than for any other factor? Maybe?

Not Calvinballer, the dude he’s replying to.  The “my ass belongs to Rocket and Groot” motherfucker.  He’s a right-wing troll playing a straw SJW.

You’re arguing with a right-wing troll, dude.  Flag and move on.

Yup.  Your comment makes me think of how everyone bitches about Cracked laying off their entire full-time staff a year ago, without taking a moment to pause and reflect on *why* the layoffs happened; namely, 100% of the readership using ad blockers, and almost no one signing on as backers.  You can’t pay your staff if

Lenny the Squealer has always seemed pretty trustworthy to me.

How the fuck do you equate immigration with colonialism?  Fuck off out of here you white nationalist motherfucker.

No one ever said women are saints and never do terrible shitty things. But on whole, men are far more likely to rape and/or kill women than vice versa.

“You had bad judgement in accepting a date from this guy, now suck it up and let him rape and possibly murder you.”  

Is it a good idea to write articles like this?  I mean, code words kind of lose their value if everyone knows them.  This seems like something best left in the safety of the women’s bathroom.

For your next trick are you gonna tell us Santa isn’t real?  Soulcrusher!

Amanda Palmer/The Dresden Dolls. Pretty much a steady decline in quality with each consecutive album.

My theory, such as it is, goes thusly: Paul was very much a zealot in the Jewish religion (this is a proven fact). He tries to stop Christianity through persecution and fails (another fact). Being a zealot, he’s not afraid to throw his life away, (here’s where it becomes speculation) so he fakes a conversion, becomes

If you ever find yourself traveling eastward (i.e. Billings), you absolutely MUST stop by the Caramel Cookie Waffle. They’re a little hole-in-the-wall bakery/cafe run by a Dutch family that moved here 30some years ago. Everything they make is delicious, but they’re probably best known for pretty much the best stroopwaf

No K-pop list is complete without Super Junior! I’d argue that Rain is an easier omission since he’s probably the only other hallyu star besides Psy that most Americans *should* be able to name.

Now playing

I know you posted Shinee, but it seems a shame to ignore Taemin’s solo work, especially the fucking amazing duo dance version of “Move”:

Was Mohd a K-pop fan? I didn’t remember that. But then again, the last time AVC did a K-pop feature was the first time I ever posted, several years back.

Considering that, like pizza and sex, even mediocre pasta is still fucking fantastic, that’s a really weird complaint for someone to make.

Dude, dismiss that fucking troll and move on. He’s not worth acknowledging. He’s arguing in even worse faith than AynRandall up there.

Sexism only means discrimination or prejudice based on sex. The addition of power to the equation is what makes it matter. From OED: Prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination, typically against women, on the basis of sex.